2017 capstone project.
This guide assumes you have a working MySQL database on localhost:3306, a PHP 7 installation (with requisite plugins enabled for your web server of choice), and are running the web server for the app on localhost as well. The development database is umb
; username and password are in the /ci/application/config/database.php
Add the DDL in the /ddl
folder to populate tables
mysql -u username -p umb < /ddl/ddl.sql
NOTE: Ionic current development using version ^2.2.1
- Clone git repository
git clone https://github.com/td9175/capstone17.git
- Navigate to the repo
cd capstone17
- Install Node.js Download: https://nodejs.org/en/download/
- Update npm to the latest version
sudo npm install npm@latest -g
- Install Ionic and Apache Cordova
sudo npm install -g ionic cordova
- Navigate to the root of where you downloaded capstone17
- Add Cordova Platforms
ionic platform add browser android ios
- Install Cordova plugins
ionic plugin add cordova-plugin-actionsheet cordova-plugin-camera cordova-plugin-compat cordova-plugin-console cordova-plugin-device cordova-plugin-file cordova-plugin-file-transfer cordova-plugin-filepath cordova-plugin-inappbrowser cordova-plugin-splashscreen cordova-plugin-statusbar cordova-plugin-whitelist cordova-plugin-x-toast ionic-plugin-keyboard
- Ensure Ionic is running correctly
ionic info
- Check Ionic plugins
ionic plugin
- Check Ionic platforms
ionic platforms
- Running the app to test in browser (I recommend chrome)
ionic serve
- Build the app for your platform
- Note: you will need Xcode installed and run the command on a Mac to build the iOS app locally, as well as the Java JDK + Android Studio to build for Android.
ionic build android
ionic build ios
ionic build browser
- To host the browser build, set the