This repository contains the starter files for peer review assignments in Computer Science 600 Fall 2019. You are to use this repository for all peer review tasks in this course. To learn more about the peer review exercises, please visit the course syllabus found in Computer Science 600 Fall 2019 GitHub Organization.
For all peer review assignments you are to read, review, and provide suggestions for editing a thesis proposal document of at least one research partner at its various stages. After you have made careful and detailed edits in the draft document directly (either in paper or electronic form), you must also fill out the peer editing summary using a proper Markdown syntax. You must commit and push the peer editing summary by midnight of the day the peer editing assignment is given. Finally, you should add your peer summary as a GitHub issue in the repository of your research partner.
If a course instructor updates the provided material for this assignment and you would like to receive these updates, then you can type this command in the main directory for this assignment:
git remote add download
You should only need to type this command once; typing the command additional times may yield an error message but will not negatively influence the state of your repository. Now, you are ready to download the updates provided by the course instructor by typing:
git pull download master
This second command can be run whenever a course instructor needs to provide you with new review template for a peer editing assignment. However, please note that, if you have edited the files that the course instructor updated, running the previous command may lead to Git merge conflicts.