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Install and configure HashiCorp Vault Agent on your system.

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This example is taken from molecule/default/converge.yml and is tested on each push, pull request and release.

- name: Converge
  hosts: all
  become: true
  gather_facts: true

    - role: robertdebock.vault_agent
      vault_agent_address: ""
          - name: "approle"
              role_id_file_path: "/etc/vault-agent/role_id"
              secret_id_file_path: "/etc/vault-agent/secret_id"
        #   - name: "aws"
        #     mount_path: "auth/aws-subaccount"
        #     config:
        #       type: "iam"
        #       role: "foobar"
          - name: file
              path: "/tmp/file-foo"
          - name: "file"
            wrap_ttl: "5m"
            aad_env_var: "Test_AAD_ENV"
            dh_type: "curve25519"
            dh_path: "/tmp/file-foo-dhpath2"
              path: "/tmp/file-bar"
        # - name: "unix"
        #   address: "/path/to/socket"
        #   tls_disable: true
        #   agent_api:
        #     enable_quit: true
        - name: "tcp"
          address: ""
          tls_disable: true
      # vault_agent_templates:
      #   - source: "/etc/vault-agent/server.key.ctmpl"
      #     destination: "/tmp/server.key"
      #   - source: "/etc/vault-agent/server.crt.ctmpl"
      #     destination: "/tmp/server.crt"
        - name: "USERNAME"
          contents: "{{ '{{ with secret \\\"secret/data/foo\\\" }}{{ }}{{ end }}' }}"
          error_on_missing_key: true
        - name: "PASSWORD"
          contents: "{{ '{{ with secret \\\"secret/data/foo\\\" }}{{ }}{{ end }}' }}"
          error_on_missing_key: true
        command: ["/path/to/my-app", "arg1", "arg2"]
        restart_on_secret_changes: "always"
        restart_stop_signal: "SIGTERM"

The machine needs to be prepared. In CI this is done using molecule/default/prepare.yml:

- name: Prepare
  hosts: all
  become: true
  gather_facts: false

    - role: robertdebock.bootstrap
    - role: robertdebock.core_dependencies
    - role: robertdebock.hashicorp

    - name: Create /etc/vault-agent directory
        path: /etc/vault-agent
        state: directory
        owner: root
        group: root
        mode: 0755

    - name: Place fake approle id and secret
        content: "FAKE"
        dest: "{{ item }}"
        owner: root
        group: root
        mode: 0644
        - /etc/vault-agent/role_id
        - /etc/vault-agent/secret_id

    - name: Pleace Vault agent templates
        content: "FAKE"
        dest: "{{ item }}"
        owner: root
        group: root
        mode: 0644
        - /etc/vault-agent/server.key.ctmpl
        - /etc/vault-agent/server.crt.ctmpl

Also see a full explanation and example on how to use these roles.

The default values for the variables are set in defaults/main.yml:

# defaults file for vault_agent

# The user that owns the Vault configuration files.
vault_agent_user: "vault"

# The group that owns the Vault configuration files.
vault_agent_group: "vault"

# The PID file for the Vault agent.
# vault_agent_pid_file: "./pidfile"

# The Vault address where the agent can connect to.
# vault_agent_address: ""

# The number of times to retry connecting to Vault.
vault_agent_retries: 5

# The authentication method to use.
# vault_agent_auto_auth:
#   methods:
#     - name: "aws"
#       mount_path: "auth/aws-subaccount"
#       config:
#         type: "iam"
#         role: "foobar"
#   sinks:
#     - name: file
#       config:
#         path: "/tmp/file-foo"
#     - name: "file"
#       wrap_ttl: "5m"
#       aad_env_var: "Test_AAD_ENV"
#       dh_type: "curve25519"
#       dh_path: "/tmp/file-foo-dhpath2"
#       config:
#         path: "/tmp/file-bar"

# By specifying (an empty cache configuration), the agent will store the token in the cache.
vault_agent_cache: {}

# Should this Vault offer proxy capabilties?
# vault_agent_api_proxy:
#   use_auto_auth_token: true

# A list of listeners to configure.
# vault_agent_listeners:
#   - name: "tcp"
#     address: "/path/to/socket"
#     tls_disable: true
#     agent_api:
#       enable_quit: true
#   - name: "tcp"
#     address: ""
#     tls_disable: true

# A list of templates to render. The files mentioned in the source will not be placed by this role.
# vault_agent_templates:
#   - source: "/etc/vault/server.key.ctmpl"
#     destination: "/etc/vault/server.key"
#   - source: "/etc/vault/server.crt.ctmpl"
#     destination: "/etc/vault/server.crt"

The following roles are used to prepare a system. You can prepare your system in another way.

Requirement GitHub GitLab
robertdebock.bootstrap Build Status GitHub Build Status GitLab
robertdebock.core_dependencies Build Status GitHub Build Status GitLab
robertdebock.hashicorp Build Status GitHub Build Status GitLab

This role is a part of many compatible roles. Have a look at the documentation of these roles for further information.

Here is an overview of related roles: dependencies

This role has been tested on these container images:

container tags
Amazon Candidate
Debian all
EL 9
Fedora 39, 40
Ubuntu all

The minimum version of Ansible required is 2.12, tests have been done to:

  • The previous version.
  • The current version.
  • The development version.

If you find issues, please register them in GitHub.



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