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Required Variables

Rob Harman edited this page Jan 14, 2022 · 1 revision

Required Variables

Set the following in your hosts (as templated), or in group_vars/rancher.yml

Variable Name Type Purpose
ansible_user string Global value of the ansible user account.
ansible_serveraddress ip address Global value of Ansible server IP. Used for firewall.
env_Domain string Global TLD for DNS
env_LocalTimeZone string Global timezone for cluster.
env_LocalNetwork ip address Local subnet, used in netplan.
env_GatewayAddress ip address Local gateway address, used in netplan.
env_PrimaryDNSServer ip address Primary DNS Server IP, used in netplan.
env_SecondaryDNSServer ip address Secondary DNS Sserver IP, used in netplan.
env_LoadBalancerIP ip address Load balancer IP address, used for firewall.
docker_version version Global docker version to install. Defaults to 20.10
rancher_hostname string Per cluster. DNS hostname for Rancher. Defaults to rancher.{{ env_domain }}
rancher_clustername string Per cluster. Internal cluster name for Rancher. Defaults to {{ rancher_hostname }}_rke
rancher_dockersh256 string Per cluster. SHA 256 hash for the Docker install script. Defaults to 20.10
rancher_installer string Per cluster. RKE installer URL.
rancher_installer256 string Per cluster. SHA 256 hash for the RKE installer.
rancher_managedhostsubnet string Per managed cluster. Subnet range. Used for firewall.
rancher_bootstrappassword string Per Rancher cluster. Initial setup password for admin user.
vm_ipaddress string Per server. Server's primary IP address.
vm_initialnode Bool Per cluster. Each cluster requires a initial node on which to run the cluster config, and Rancher installation.
vm_dockerdrive string Per server. The physical /dev/ path for the Docker hard drive
kube_clusterips array Per cluster. List of cluster IPs to iterate through for firewall
InitialSetup Bool Per cluster, or per server. Runs full setup on nodes where this is true.
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