The latest version of pre-built Open GApps can be found at
If you want to build your own version of Open GApps, you'll need to get the git sources:
To initialize your local repository using the Open GApps source tree, use a command like:
git clone
Then sync the submodules to get the original APK sources as provided by Google. You can also use this command to update at a later moment the sources to the most recent version:
./ [--shallow] [arch]
will order to fetch only the latest snapshot of the APKs (reduces space used and amount of data to be retrieved by git, by not fetching the APKs' history)arch
can be one of the following "arm, arm64, x86, x86_64" to fetch only data required for specified architecture (note that fallback architectures will be be fetched too)
To build Open GApps for all platforms and all android releases:
To build Open GApps for a specific android release on a specific platform, define both the platform and the API level of that release, seperated by a dash and optionally add the variant with another dash. Two (most widely used) examples:
make arm-22
make arm-22-stock
One can update the sources used with the command:
./ /path/to/the/file/you/want/to/add.apk [/even/more/files.apk...]
For contributors, updated sources can be uploaded by using this command:
If you want an overview of the locally available sources: