C# and Delphi : Compile and run MSSQL : Set database name and execute to create function
DAMM encoding addresses the two most common trascription errors which are single digit mistype and transposed characters. Ie. 1121 (should be 1221) and 6933 (should be 9633).
It is superior to other checksum calculations such as:
Sum Only - n1+n2+n3...nx - use lowest denominator as checksum
Sum and Multiply - (((((n1+n2)*n3)+n4)+n5)...nX) - use lowest denominator as checksum
C# and Delphi
When prompted enter digits including DAMM checksum. Program will tell if value has a vaid DAMM checksum. To finish enter a blank value.
Call it directly in SSMS or use it inside stored procedures. Example: use print dbo.fn_CheckDAMM( 1234 ) Result should be 5
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