I am working on creating a module-based ES6 app with it's own javascript based templating system. I am creating the templating system from the ground up, using vanilla Javascript and the tiniest amount of jQuery for DOM manipulation.
The templating so far includes:
- A way to dynamically create DOM for individual components
- A way to add actions to individual components; all actions are based on ajax call that are applied to each component's class file
- An each method which loops through arrays of data and adds items to the DOM
I will be updating this repo periodically. Right now I am using Spotify's api to create a small web app. Once I get a good infrastructure going, I plan to create a fully-fledged music discovery app out using the templating system I built and ES6.
Check out the app at http://es6-spotify-app.s3-website-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/