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Theoretical Background

The Dynamic Force Field Controller framework - DForC or D4C in short - is based on the idea of employing virtual force field in order to perform a reaching task. It takes inspiration from theories conceived by O. Khatib durig 80's (Oussama Khatib, Real-time obstacle avoidance for manipulators and mobile robots, Int. J. Rob. Res., Vol. 5, No. 1. (1986), pp. 90-98) and revised by P. Morasso and V. Mohan within the Passive Motion Paradigm (PMP) (Mohan. V., Morasso P.,Metta G., Sandini G. A biomimetic, force-field based computational model for motion planning and bimanual coordination in humanoid robots, Autonomous Robots, Volume 27, Issue 3, (2009) pp. 291-301). The novelty of the D4C approach chiefly consists in replacing the use of the transposed Jacobian (as proposed in PMP) with the Cartesian Interface tool. Thereby, D4C automatically takes into account the robot's joints limits and it makes the generated trajectory smooth. The D4C library allows describing objects as obstacles or as targets, and to consequently build a virtual force field to reach the target avoiding obstacles.

For the target a mass-spring-damper force field is generated:

Each obstacle is modeled as a Gaussian repulsive force field. It is possible to choose between a canonical multivariate Gaussian force field:

and a Gaussian force field without tails:

Since the tuning of the parameters is a critical point, we’re going to implement some further methods in order to avoid local minima.

MATLAB modeling

Many tests with the following Simulink model have been performed.

It allows you to modify parameters and to compute easily the virtual trajectory generated from the combination of the virtual force fields associated to target and obstacles. It is also possible to add a Gaussian attractor on the target which will be summed to the mass-spring-damper force field. Obstacles modeled as Gaussians with tails in the first image, and without tails in the second.

As it is possible to notice from the figure, local minima can be reached. These situations can be avoided with the method explained in "Randazzo M., Sgorbissa A. and Zaccaria R. µNav: Navigation without localization". In the first case the trajectory stops in a local minima, in the second case the trajectory bypass the obstacles correctly.

It is possible to download the two MATLAB models (the one without methods for local minima, and the other one with methods for local minima) from here.

The Cartesian I/F Implementation

The D4C library exploits the Cartesian Interface, and it is built as follows:

There is a server, with the aim to instantiate, modify or delete objects, generate force fields and compute the trajectory, which is transmitted to the Cartesian Interface. Then there is a client which is automatically connected to the server and that can send a request in order to have information on objects, or can ask to add or delete objects.

Notably, the D4C server is capable of sending proper information to the iCubGui in order to display a pictorial representation of the set of targets, obstacles and generated trajectories as depicted below.



For online documentation of all the methods please refer to the Doxygen Documentation.

Code Snippets

In order to use the D4C Library it is required to add the Cartesian Interface to the CMakeLists.txt file. It is possible to do it by following the Cartesian Interface tutorial. It is also required to include in the CMakeLists.txt the following line:

target_link_libraries(${PROJECTNAME} ${YARP_LIBRARIES} d4c)

In order to open a d4c_server:

#include <iCub/d4c/d4c_server.h>
D4CServer server;
Property options;
options.put("verbosity",0); //print log messages
options.put("period",20); //period of the RateThread

In order to open a d4c_client:

#include <iCub/d4c/d4c_client.h>
D4CClient client;
Property options;

In order to add an obstacle:

Value centerOb; centerOb.fromString(("(0.2 0.2 0.2)");
Value radiusOb; radiusOb.fromString("(0.05 0.1 0.05)");
Property obstacleOpt;
int obstacle; client.addItem(obstacleOpt,obstacle);

In order to add a target:

Value centerTg; centerTg.fromString(("(0.4 0.4 0.4)");
Value radiusTg; radiusTg.fromString("(0.05 0.05 0.05)");
Property targetOpt;
int target; client.addItem(targetOpt,target);

In order to make the trajectory start from a specific point with a given initial velocity it is possible to use the method


where x represents the position and o the orientation, so as xdot and odot the corresponding velocities.

The user might want to enable the force field generation without enabling robot movements:


In order to enable also robot movements:



In modules/d4cServer and modules/d4cExample the user will find further info on how to open a d4c_server component and a d4c_client component, respectively, and how to write the corresponding CMakeLists.txt.


Gori I., Pattacini U., Nori F., Metta G. & Sandini G., DForC: a Real-Time Method for Reaching, Tracking and Obstacle Avoidance in Humanoid Robots, IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots, Osaka, Japan, November 29 - December 1, 2012.



Material included here is Copyright of iCub Facility - Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia and is released under the terms of the GPL v2.0 or later. See the file LICENSE for details.


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