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Improve the application and introduce paf-le as a standalone package #30

merged 7 commits into from
Feb 16, 2023
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12 changes: 4 additions & 8 deletions bin/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -81,10 +81,8 @@ let main _ priv_pem csr_pem email solver acme_dir ip key endpoint cert zone =
Bos.OS.File.write cert (Cstruct.to_string @@ X509.Certificate.encode_pem_multiple t)
match r with
| Ok _ -> `Ok ()
| Error (`Msg e) ->
Logs.err (fun m -> m "Error %s" e) ;
`Error ()
| Ok _ -> Ok ()
| Error (`Msg e) -> Error (Fmt.str "Error %s" e)

let setup_log style_renderer level =
Fmt_tty.setup_std_outputs ?style_renderer ();
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -155,11 +153,9 @@ let info =
`S "DESCRIPTION"; `P "This is software is experimental. Don't use it.";
`S "BUGS"; `P "Email bug reports to <>";
] in "oacmel" ~version:"%%VERSION%%" ~doc ~man "oacmel" ~version:"%%VERSION%%" ~doc ~man

let () =
Printexc.record_backtrace true;
let cli = Term.(const main $ setup_log $ priv_pem $ csr_pem $ email $ solver $ acme_dir $ ip $ key $ endpoint $ cert $ zone) in
match Term.eval (cli, info) with
| `Error _ -> exit 1
| _ -> exit 0
exit (Cmd.eval_result (Cmd.v info cli))
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion letsencrypt-app.opam
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ depends: [
"dune" {>= "1.2.0"}
"letsencrypt" {= version}
"letsencrypt-dns" {= version}
"cmdliner" {>= "1.1.0"}
"cohttp-lwt-unix" {>= "1.0.0"}
"fmt" {>= "0.8.7"}
Expand Down
27 changes: 27 additions & 0 deletions letsencrypt-mirage.opam
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
opam-version: "2.0"
synopsis: "ACME implementation in OCaml for MirageOS"
description: "An ACME client implementation of the ACME protocol (RFC 8555) for OCaml & MirageOS"
maintainer: "Michele Mu <>"
"Michele Mu <>, Hannes Mehnert <>"
license: "BSD-2-clause"
homepage: ""
bug-reports: ""
doc: ""
depends: [
"ocaml" {>= "4.08.0"}
"dune" {>= "1.2.0"}
"letsencrypt" {= version}
"tcpip" {>= "7.0.0"}
"mirage-time" {>= "3.0.0"}
"emile" {>= "1.1"}
"paf" {>= "0.4.0"}
build: [
["dune" "subst"] {dev}
["dune" "build" "-p" name "-j" jobs]
["dune" "runtest" "-p" name "-j" jobs] {with-test}
dev-repo: "git+"
13 changes: 13 additions & 0 deletions mirage/dune
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
(name le)
(wrapped false)
(public_name letsencrypt-mirage)
(modules lE)
(libraries letsencrypt http-mirage-client tcpip mirage-time duration emile))

(name le_http_server)
(wrapped false)
(public_name letsencrypt-mirage.http-server)
(modules lE_http_server)
(libraries letsencrypt letsencrypt-mirage paf.mirage))
177 changes: 177 additions & 0 deletions mirage/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
type configuration = {
email : Emile.mailbox option;
certificate_seed : string option;
certificate_key_type : X509.Key_type.t;
certificate_key_bits : int option;
hostname : [ `host ] Domain_name.t;
account_seed : string option;
account_key_type : X509.Key_type.t;
account_key_bits : int option;

module HTTP : Letsencrypt.HTTP_client.S with type ctx = Http_mirage_client.t =
type ctx = Http_mirage_client.t

module Headers = struct
type t = (string * string) list

let add lst k v = (String.lowercase_ascii k, v) :: lst
let init_with k v = [ String.lowercase_ascii k, v ]
let get lst k = List.assoc_opt (String.lowercase_ascii k) lst
let get_location lst = Uri.of_string (get lst "location")
let to_string = Fmt.to_to_string Fmt.(Dump.list (Dump.pair string string))

module Body = struct
type t = string

let to_string = Lwt.return
let of_string x = x

module Response = struct
type t = Http_mirage_client.response

let status { Http_mirage_client.status; _ } = Http_mirage_client.Status.to_code status
let headers { Http_mirage_client.headers; _ } = Http_mirage_client.Headers.to_list headers

let get_or_fail msg = function
| Some ctx -> ctx
| None -> failwith msg

open Lwt.Infix

let head ?ctx ?headers uri =
let ctx = get_or_fail "http-mirage-client context is required" ctx in
Http_mirage_client.request ctx ~meth:`HEAD ?headers (Uri.to_string uri)
(fun _response () _str -> Lwt.return_unit)
() >>= function
| Ok (response, ()) -> Lwt.return response
| Error err -> Fmt.failwith "%a" Mimic.pp_error err

let get ?ctx ?headers uri =
let ctx = get_or_fail "http-mirage-client context is required" ctx in
Http_mirage_client.request ctx ~meth:`GET ?headers (Uri.to_string uri)
(fun _response buf str -> Buffer.add_string buf str; Lwt.return buf)
(Buffer.create 0x100) >>= function
| Ok (response, buf) -> Lwt.return (response, Buffer.contents buf)
| Error err -> Fmt.failwith "%a" Mimic.pp_error err

let post ?ctx ?body ?chunked:_ ?headers uri =
let ctx = get_or_fail "http-mirage-client context is required" ctx in
Http_mirage_client.request ctx ~meth:`POST ?body ?headers (Uri.to_string uri)
(fun _response buf str -> Buffer.add_string buf str; Lwt.return buf)
(Buffer.create 0x100) >>= function
| Ok (response, buf) -> Lwt.return (response, Buffer.contents buf)
| Error err -> Fmt.failwith "%a" Mimic.pp_error err

module Log = (val let src = Logs.Src.create "letsencrypt.mirage" in
Logs.src_log src : Logs.LOG)

module Make (Time : Mirage_time.S) (Stack : Tcpip.Stack.V4V6) = struct
type nonrec configuration = configuration = {
email : Emile.mailbox option;
certificate_seed : string option;
certificate_key_type : X509.Key_type.t;
certificate_key_bits : int option;
hostname : [ `host ] Domain_name.t;
account_seed : string option;
account_key_type : X509.Key_type.t;
account_key_bits : int option;

module Acme = Letsencrypt.Client.Make (HTTP)

let gen_key ?seed ?bits key_type =
let seed = Cstruct.of_string seed in
X509.Private_key.generate ?seed ?bits key_type

let csr key host =
let host = Domain_name.to_string host in
let cn =
[ Distinguished_name.(Relative_distinguished_name.singleton (CN host)) ]
X509.Signing_request.create cn key

let prefix = (".well-known", "acme-challenge")
let tokens = Hashtbl.create 1

let solver _host ~prefix:_ ~token ~content =
Hashtbl.replace tokens token content ;
Lwt.return (Ok ())

let request_handler (ipaddr, port) reqd =
let req = Httpaf.Reqd.request reqd in
Log.debug (fun m ->
m "Let's encrypt request handler for %a:%d (%s)" Ipaddr.pp ipaddr port ;
match String.split_on_char '/' with
| [ ""; p1; p2; token ]
when String.equal p1 (fst prefix) && String.equal p2 (snd prefix) -> (
match Hashtbl.find_opt tokens token with
| Some data ->
Log.debug (fun m -> m "Be able to respond to let's encrypt!") ;
let headers =
("content-type", "application/octet-stream");
("content-length", string_of_int (String.length data));
] in
let resp = Httpaf.Response.create ~headers `OK in
Httpaf.Reqd.respond_with_string reqd resp data
| None ->
Log.warn (fun m -> m "Token %S not found!" token) ;
let headers = Httpaf.Headers.of_list [ ("connection", "close") ] in
let resp = Httpaf.Response.create ~headers `Not_found in
Httpaf.Reqd.respond_with_string reqd resp "")
| _ ->
let headers = Httpaf.Headers.of_list [ ("connection", "close") ] in
let resp = Httpaf.Response.create ~headers `Not_found in
Httpaf.Reqd.respond_with_string reqd resp ""

let provision_certificate ?(tries = 10) ?(production = false) cfg ctx =
let ( >>? ) = Lwt_result.bind in
let endpoint =
if production
then Letsencrypt.letsencrypt_production_url
else Letsencrypt.letsencrypt_staging_url in
let priv =
gen_key ?seed:cfg.certificate_seed ?bits:cfg.certificate_key_bits
cfg.certificate_key_type in
match csr priv cfg.hostname with
| Error _ as err -> Lwt.return err
| Ok csr ->
let open Lwt.Infix in
let account_key =
gen_key ?seed:cfg.account_seed ?bits:cfg.account_key_bits
cfg.account_key_type in
Acme.initialise ~ctx ~endpoint
?email:( Emile.to_string
>>? fun le ->
Log.debug (fun m -> m "Let's encrypt state initialized.") ;
let sleep sec = Time.sleep_ns (Duration.of_sec sec) in
let solver = Letsencrypt.Client.http_solver solver in
let rec go tries =
Acme.sign_certificate ~ctx solver le sleep csr >>= function
| Ok certs -> Lwt.return_ok (`Single (certs, priv))
| Error (`Msg err) when tries > 0 ->
Log.warn (fun m ->
"Got an error when we tried to get a certificate: %s \
(tries: %d)"
err tries) ;
go (pred tries)
| Error (`Msg err) ->
Log.err (fun m ->
m "Got an error when we tried to get a certificate: %s" err) ;
Lwt.return (Error (`Msg err)) in
go tries

let initialise ~ctx = Acme.initialise ~ctx
let sign_certificate ~ctx = Acme.sign_certificate ~ctx
95 changes: 95 additions & 0 deletions mirage/lE.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
(** {1:Let's encrypt challenge with [paf].}

[Paf] provides a layer to be able to:
1) launch a simple HTTP server which will do the Let's encrypt challenge
2) launch a simple HTTP client to ask a new certificate

The HTTP server must be behind the domain-name for which you want a

The usual way to get a certificate is to prepare a {!type:configuration}
value, prepare the HTTP server and launch concurrently the server and the
client with an ability to stop the server when the client finish the job:

module LE = LE.Make (Time) (Stack)

let provision ctx =
Paf.init ~port:80 (Stack.tcp stackv4v6) >>= fun t ->
let service = Paf.http_service
(fun _ -> LE.request_handler) in
let stop = Lwt_switch.create () in
let `Initialized th0 = Paf.serve ~stop service in
let th1 =
>>= fun certificates ->
Lwt_switch.turn_off stop >>= fun () ->
Lwt.return certificates in
Lwt.both th0 th1 >>= function
| ((), Ok certificates) -> ...
| ((), Error _) -> ...

The client requires an {!type:Http_mirage_client.t} to be able to do HTTP
requests ([http/1.1] or [h2]) which can be made by
{!val:Http_mirage_client.Make.connect}. *)

type configuration = {
email : Emile.mailbox option;
certificate_seed : string option;
certificate_key_type : X509.Key_type.t;
certificate_key_bits : int option;
hostname : [ `host ] Domain_name.t;
account_seed : string option;
account_key_type : X509.Key_type.t;
account_key_bits : int option;

module Make (Time : Mirage_time.S) (Stack : Tcpip.Stack.V4V6) : sig
type nonrec configuration = configuration = {
email : Emile.mailbox option;
certificate_seed : string option;
certificate_key_type : X509.Key_type.t;
certificate_key_bits : int option;
hostname : [ `host ] Domain_name.t;
account_seed : string option;
account_key_type : X509.Key_type.t;
account_key_bits : int option;

val request_handler :
Ipaddr.t * int -> Httpaf.Server_connection.request_handler

val provision_certificate :
?tries:int ->
?production:bool ->
configuration ->
Http_mirage_client.t ->
(Tls.Config.own_cert, [> `Msg of string ]) result Lwt.t

val initialise :
ctx:Http_mirage_client.t ->
endpoint:Uri.t ->
?email:string ->
X509.Private_key.t ->
(Letsencrypt.Client.t, [> `Msg of string ]) result Lwt.t
(** [initialise ~ctx ~endpoint ~email priv] constructs a
{!type:Letsencrypt.Client.t} by looking up the directory and account of
[priv] at [endpoint]. If no account is registered yet, a new account is
created with contact information of [email]. The terms of service are
agreed on. *)

val sign_certificate :
ctx:Http_mirage_client.t ->
Letsencrypt.Client.solver ->
Letsencrypt.Client.t ->
(int -> unit Lwt.t) ->
X509.Signing_request.t ->
(X509.Certificate.t list, [> `Msg of string ]) result Lwt.t
(** [sign_certificate ~ctx solver t sleep csr] orders a certificate for the
names in the signing request [csr], and solves the requested challenges. *)