My Environment configurations featuring:
- 🐧 EndeavourOS - Arch Based Linux Distro
- 🌲 i3 wm - Window Manager
- 🦀 i3 Status Rust - Bar and Tray icons
- 🐁 XFCE4 applets (for tray network and sound)
- 📷 Flameshot - Screenshot tool
- ✏️ Gromit-mpx - Annotate on the screen
- 📂 Thunar - File manager with programmable actions
- 🚀 Rofi - Launcher for apps, emojis and more
- ⬆️ Espanso - O.S wide snippets
- 🖥️ WezTerm - Terminal emulator
- 🖥️ ZSH - Terminal Framework
- 🦇 Bat - Replacement for cat
- 🧭 Delta - Better git diff
- 😼 Hub - Add more commands to git
- 🚢 Starship - Terminal Line Emojis and cool status
- 🧬 Helix - A post modern terminal code editor
- 📁 lf - A terminal based file manager
- ⏲ hstr - A command history manager for terminal
Managed by dotdrop
Add a new file to be tracked by dotdrop
./ import filepath
Update dotdrop repo after changes in the host system
# or ./ update -f
# ./ automates secrets hiding and some extra files
Compare repo with host system (or new system before install)
./ compare
Install on a new host
./dotdrop install