This application buy and sell in differents markets using Oanda platform, i recommend operate with gold, silver and copper. It was tested in a practice account and it is stable.
Use this application at your risk, i recommend run in practice mode while you are familiar with.
It provides a user interface for making investments based on MACD and RSI indicators, custom configuration like price ranges, bearish and bullish probability for buying and selling, take control in profits and losses automatically without spend hours watching screen. It runs in background with cronjobs or with an friendly user interface.
Contact me if you have any questions:
This is a NODEJS application and you need follow things in your operating system:
- Nodejs
- Web Server With PHPMYADMIN
Open your Terminal and paste follow commands
- Add/Download project in your workspace git clone
- Install dependencies npm install
- Create database and import database.sql located in root project in your phpmyadmin.
- Execute application with npm start
- Background invests with cronjob use this command * * * * * sleep 02; /usr/bin/node /home/rockscripts/Documents/nodejs/Boot-Notification-Trade-Oanda/src/cron-trades-invest.js
- Background profits and losses with cronjob use this command * * * * * sleep 03; /usr/bin/node /home/rockscripts/Documents/nodejs/Boot-Notification-Trade-Oanda/src/cron-trades-profit.js
- Official Oanda v02
- Node Oanda v02 (used for some calls)
- Noty
- jQuery
- jQuery UI
- Datatable (Responsive)
- Fontawesome
- Currency Formatter
- DOM form serializer
- Candlesjs
secret ec747fe5d895e1e61a7d6328231734bc7c98bf9d4bea4abe6ea8deca025d3ac7 key 9NT4E2M1-XSGVCGQS-2WZWC5XU-K1GTEFU6-ZUVR26WG