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syzer ⚡

Updates the package.json with latest dependency versions.

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  • checks and outputs the current and latest versions of dependencies
  • updates(-u) package.json with latest dependency versions.
  • ignores(-i) specific packages that you don't want to update.
  • syzer does not change the initial indentation style of the package.json(#1).

☁️ Installation

# Using npm
npm install syzer -g

# Using yarn
yarn global add syzer

📋 Usage

	$ syzer

	$ syzer --update || syzer -u

	$ syzer -u -i <package_name>

	--update, -u  updates package.json.

    	--ignore, -i added right after -u to ignore specific packages.

   	 --version, shows the npu current version.

   	 --help,  shows the user guide.

 	$ syzer
 	//shows all the packages.outdated packages are highlighted.

    	$ syzer -u
    	//updates all the outdated packages to its latest versions.


    	$ syzer -u -i express nodemon
    	//updates all the packages except express & nodemon.

    	$ npm install
    	//then running npm install will install the latest dependencies
  1. Check the package.json for outdated dependencies.
$ syzer
  1. Update the package.json with latest versions of all the outdated packages.
$ syzer -u
  1. Then run npm install to install the latest dependencies.

  • To ignore some specific packages to update add the flag -i following the package names to ignore
$ syzer -u -i nodemon express

🚀 How to contribute

Have an idea? Found a bug? See how to contribute.

❓ Get Help

There are few ways to get help:

  1. Please post questions on Stack Overflow. You can open issues with questions, as long you add a link to your Stack Overflow question.
  2. For bug reports and feature requests, open issues. 🐛

💖 Support

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📜 License

MIT © Rocktim Saikia