Near real-time rainfall monitoring. Part of the project RIPOSTE for Cameroon Red Cross Society.
The pipeline roughly consists of three steps:
- Extract daily data on rainfall measurement of the past days (e.g. last 14 days) from NOAA's GPM
- Transform the data into pre-defined areas (health districts) and calculate average rainfall of the past days. Then determine which area has its average rainfall higher than pre-defined thresholds.
- Send this data as alert to the EspoCRM for the NS.
To run the pipeline locally
- Fill in the secrets in .env.example and rename the file to .env; in this way, they will be loaded as environment variables
- Install requirements
pip install poetry poetry install --no-interaction
- Run the pipeline :
python --extract --transform --send
Usage: [OPTIONS] Options: --country TEXT country ISO3 --extract extract rainfall data --transform calculate rainfall data into pre-defined --send send to IBF app --dateend specify date until which the data should be extracted --help Show this message and exit.