My name is Rodrigo, Catholic, Brazilian, Geek, Infra guy but loves coding.
#Gnu/Linux #nvim #nodejs #APIs #Fullstack
- 📌 I'm ............................................... Senior Unix / Automation analyst + Developer for fun
- 🔭 I’m currently working on ............. Automations / Ansible / Azure Policies with Terraform / GCP / etc
- 🎖️ I'm certified on ............................ IBM (AIX 6/7) / LPI2-Novel / ICS / RedHat / Azure / Terraform (WIP)
- 🌱 I’m currently learning .................. Go, Node ecosystem, Express and all the cool stuff
- 🕺 I’m looking to collaborate on ...... Go, JS or Python projects
- 🤔 One of my favorite phrases ........ When everything is priority, nothing is priority (Max Geringher)
- ⚡ Fun fact about me ....................... I don't like most social media, too distractive! Preferred contact by email or linkedin
- 📫 How to reach me ........................