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Luke edited this page Oct 23, 2018 · 134 revisions


Welcome to the EZ-WifiBroadcast wiki!

Please read through this page and other sub-pages before you start asking questions on the forum.


This is the download link to the latest stable image of EZ-WifiBroadcast. Release candidate: v1.6RC6 on Google Drive or from mirror on Freehoster (beware of ads)

Installation / Setup

  • IMPORTANT: Read and follow the wiring instructions
  • Download the sdcard image and unzip it
  • Write it onto two (minimum 2GB) SD cards. One for transmitter Pi and another for Receiver Pi. See instructions on this page on how to write .img files on SD cards. Pi with the camera connected will act as AirPi, without camera will act as GroundPi.
  • Insert each SD card into each Raspberry Pi and boot them up.
  • AGAIN: Read and follow the wiring instructions


  • Do not change anything else for first tests. The system will default to 2.4GHz
  • If everything runs as intended, put SD Card in Windows computer or anything that has a text editor (Tablet, Smartphone),and edit wifibroadcast-1.txt configuration options. Other options are available osdconfig.txt and apconfig.txt
  • See under configuration options and the "Setup Sections" in the sidebar for more info



Hardware Setup

Software Setup

RC Control

Ground Stations

Expert Settings

Extensions / AddOns

  • HDMI-in cards
  • WebCams
  • Video Switcher
  • Thermal (FLIR, Seek)
  • 360° cameras


Developer's Corner


Known Issues

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