As beer enthusiasts, we want to review the breweries we visit as well as the craft beers we drink so that we can share each of our experiences with other people.
Have users be able to create breweries. Within each brewery users can create beers specific to that brewery and review, update, and delete them.
- Achieve MVP: core functionality with full CRUD for brewery and beer models.
- Plan and start design styling: color, fonts, look & feel across all pages
- Carry out stylization to all pages and reach good stopping point evenly across.
- Stretch goals: Authentication, Authorization, and user e-mail saved to database
- Final review of app. Deployment of app. Finalize README.
- creating log in and log out for users
- making application accessible only to logged in users
- Advanced stylization
- Node.js
- Express
- MongoDB
- Mongoose
- JavaScript
- session
- ejs
- bcrypt
- Bulma