Passwords that are not in the docker-compose.yml file will be in the .env files within the same directory.
docker network create my-network
docker-compose up -d
docker-compose -f <docker-filename> up -d
# Admin password
docker exec -it jenkins /bin/bash -c "cat /var/jenkins_home/secrets/initialAdminPassword"
# Login / Authentication
User: admin
Password: admin
# WSL Requirement (if needed)
sudo sysctl -w vm.max_map_count=262144
Disable the TLS/SSL protocol if necessary.
# SQL Developer
User: system
Password: Oracle_123
SID: XE (Uppercase)
# PGAdmin (Local)
# Use host.docker.internal instead of localhost
Username: postgres
Password: postgres
Database: postgres
PGAdmin_password: admin
If using DBeaver or any other IDE, don't forget to set allowPublicKeyRetrieval = TRUE
Database: database
Username: mysql
Password: mysql
# Login / Authentication
User: rabbitmq
Password: rabbitmq
# Login / Authentication
User: admin
Password: admin
Prometheus: http://localhost:9090/
Main endpoint: http://localhost:8080/actuator
Grafana: http://localhost:3000/
Username: grafana
Password: grafana
Redmine: http://localhost:8080/
Username: admin
Password: admin
Mantis Bug Tracker: http://localhost:8089/
First steps (Pre-Installation Check):
Hostname (for Database Server): db
Username (for Database): mantis
Password (for Database): mantis
URL to your installation: **Remove any value**
Login: administrator
Password: root
Username: admin
Password: ctsBtRBKHRAx69EqUghvvgEvjnaLjFEB