Senior Fullstack Developer ( September 2022 – July 2024) Wordpress, Drupal, Laravel, Symphony, multiple PHP support, Adobe AEM, Javascript, CSS3-BEM, Sass, October CMS, Pantheom. . I was responsible for various tasks related to both front-end and back-end development using common front end and backend technologies including HTML, Javascript and PHP
Senior PHP Developer (Dec 2021 – June 2022) My responsibilities are focus in provide solutions developed for a custom client using technologies as Laravel, MS-SQL Server, AWS and also provide a guide to my team in the way how to implement the project using the potential of the frameworks used .
Costa Rica, Remote Work PHP Full Stack Developer (Ago 2020 – Nov 2021) Provide support to client site focus on luxury travels, I worked using Drupal 8 / 9 , MySQL, NPM, SASS, CSS, Twig, Composer, also providing support on the server maintenance with Acquia Tabella, Czech Republic, Remote Work PHP Full Stack Developer (January 2020 -December Ago 2020) I work with them for a short period time close to six months then I moved to other project, I developed for them an Internal CRM for handle fraud research and documents sensitive as credit card information. I worked using Laravel, VueJS, PHP, MySQL.
Costa Rica, Remote Work PHP Full Stack Developer (July 2019-December 2019) I work with them for a contract period time of six months to develop specifically an online store of books for one of their client, the website is , this client is located in USA, and some of the achievements with them were to finish the project before time, a lot of improvements in the users interfaces and site performance. We worked with Laravel and Wordpress.
Costa Rica, Remote Work Full Stack Developer (December 2018 – until July 2019) I work with them as freelance , my tasks there were develop new products for some clients of the company, We used some technologies/frameworks as vue, angular, Laravel and Wordpress
Costa Rica, Remote Work Full Stack Developer (November 2013 – July 2018) I provided remote support and development of applications working from home with them. I worked with Agile-Scrum teams. During this time I participated in the following projects:
Project: GEARTRADE (November 2013– December 2018) It is an online store in USA for selling of used and new outlet gears products Main tasks executed in the project: System Reports. Email Design. Define cron jobs for some process as feeds, payment processing, mailing, promotions, etc. Script programming for front-end site and administration site. Server Maintenance. Payment process with Paypal, Cybersource and Bitcoin , Mobile site design and implementation. Implement Fraud Control and Detection, Program and Development of new functionalities. Fix bugs and any other issue with the website, Improve the Selling Payment Flow , Technologies: PHP, MySQL, CSS, AWS, Javascript, Cloudflare, Google Merchant Feeds, SSH, GIT, Coinbase, API functionalities with Deliveries Carries, Payment processors, and other 3 rd Party Services Project: Blueroof360 (Octuber 2017 –July 2018) This project was migrate a CRM Platform to a new version based with a complete new layout and improve of all the code of a previous version but with other database and structures. Main tasks executed in the project: Refactor and debug code. Development of Controllers, Routes, Views, Models, databases tables, and all other elements required in the System. Integrate the site with a previous SSO User Api Responsive Layouts. Fix issues and bugs. Simplify all the code and fix many bugs creating a new product friendly and easy to use. Technologies: Php, CodeIgniter, CSS, Javascript, Bootstrap, SASS, JSON, AJAX,JQUERY, Apache, PostgreSQL, MySQL, Git.
San Jose, Costa Rica Freelance FullStack Developer (2014 – 2015) I worked for the for some specific projects as freelance as developer of the below websites and products:
Project: Diquis Museum CMS Website (January 2015 –September 2015)
Main tasks executed in the project: Create a new website using an open source Content Management System called Joomla. Create and Custom component extensions for the management of data of the museum as the spheres information that are exposed. Program dynamic visual elements used along the site with an administration backend, for example the timeline section or slide galleries, calendars events, and user content protection. Create a Website Responsive optimized for Web desktops browsers and mobile devices. I was responsible to program all the code of this website, the design was provided with mock-ups that I needed to migrate from PSD files to programmable elements used optimized for Web . Technologies: PHP,MySQL,Joomla,CSS,JSON,XML,APACHE Project: “EcoFirma && Plataforma de Servicios” (July 2014 – Octuber 2014) This is a software implemented for the handling of applications in municipalities in their procedures and applications for permission for construction, patents, water permits, etc. Main tasks executed in the project: -. Start to create the software according with the client requirements. -. Implement Digital Signatures for documents along the system. -. Customize the software for each client template. -. Implement some protection for the data and also security validations in the system. Technologies: JAVA, Javascript, PHP, Drupal, CSS, Jquery, Certificates for Digital Signature.
Costa Rica Full Stack Developer (January 2007 –December 2014) This client has different clients for Universities in the United States also a recruiting software product that they sell, I worked in all the development areas, During this time I participated in the following projects: Project: Recruiting Radar(2007– 2014) It was a configurable recruiting software utilized by university/college coaches with some functionalities as reports, stats, compliance rules, team management, events, game ticketing and many features more. Main tasks executed in the project: -.Design and Develop of all the functionalities of the Software -. Debug and Fix of bugs, issues -. Setup Websites -. Upgrade Websites on each new release version. -. Creation of Reports Technologies: PHP, Javascript, Jquery, JSRender, XML, MySQL, Apache, HTML5 Project: Websites (2007– 2010) Several CRM Flash Websites for Universities as Notredame, Michigan, Georgia Tech, UCLA, and many more (60 universities) Technologies: ActionScript 2&3, Javascript, XML, PHP, MySQL . Project: (2007– 2009) It is a video training website to learn skill on tennis game Main tasks executed in the project: -. Main Support for development, and maintenance of website. -. Creation of a Membership Software Video Library. Technologies: ActionScript 3, Javascript, XML, PHP, MySQL, Akamai, Paypal
San Jose, Costa Rica WebDeveloper (April 2006 –December 2006) This is a publicity agency that create digital advertising, the owner of the company decided invest in a website oriented on provide a website where people can date with other people with romantic purposes. This is the project that I worked with them: Project: SeatForTwo (April 2006– December 2006) It was a online dating website Main tasks executed in the project: -. Create a membership website -. Create an interactive poll and questionnaires to define some particular characteristics of the users to suggest potential matches of other users according with similar interests. Basically I help to create the website and all the requirements of the system defined by the client when it was launched. Technologies: PHP, JSON,XML, SmartyTemplates, MySQL, Apache, CSS.
San Jose, Costa Rica WebDeveloper (January 2003 –December 2003) I worked there as professional in “Oplau” office, that department was responsible to review all the projects to approve or reject the assignment of money in the budget of all projects that this University has, it means student programs, new buildings, new schools, researches, etc... Project: SIPPress (January 2003 –December 2003) Main tasks executed in the project: Migrate the previous software based on Fox to a new Web Environment using JSP. Design of Institutional Software. Develop the Software. User Support. Basically I help to create the first website used by the University for that office. Technologies: JSP, XML, PostgreSQL, Apache, CSS, Tomcat, Linux.