GNU Radio blocks and library for IEEE1901/HomePlug-like communication.
See project page:
The project was developed for GNU Radio 3.7.9.
There are several ways to install GNU Radio. The fastest route is using GNU Radio Live on a USB drive with Persistence. A nice tutorial can be found here:
gr-plc library depends on IT++ library for the turbo encoder/decoder. GNU Radio Live installation already includes this library. Otherwise, see IT++ installation documentation.
For building and installing gr-plc run the following:
git clone git://
cd gr-plc
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ../
sudo make install
sudo ldconfig
The physical layer is encapsulated in a hierarchical block to allow for a clearer transceiver structure in GNU Radio Companion. This hierarchical block is not included in the installation process. You have to open /examples/phy_hier.grc with GNU Radio Companion and build it. This will install the block in ~/.grc_gnuradio/.
Sometime the connections between the message ports (the gray ones in GNU Radio Companion) break. Therefore, please open the flow graphs and assert that everything is connected. It should be pretty obvious how the blocks are supposed to be wired.
To disable thread priority UHD warning, add the following to /etc/security/limits.conf
@<group> - rtprio 99
Where <group> should be replaced with the user group
For a 'debug' build, replace the cmake above with:
cmake ../ -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE="Debug"