Life Budget is a single-page, full-stack web application built using ReactJS and Ruby on Rails API. Social networking app that allows users to create or join events based on common interests. Enables the ability to chat once a total of 3 friends join the event (not yet implemented).
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system. You will also need the meet-friends-backend api located within my repos
- node
- npm
- react
npm install
┬ ├ App ┬ ├ NavBar ├ Home ┬ ├ UserEvents ┬ ├ Current ├ Past └ Saved └ NearbyEvents ├ Messages/Comments ┬ ├ EventMessagesCommentsContainer ├ EventMessages └ ListofEvents ├ ExploreEvents ┬ ├ SearchBarEvents ├ GoogleEventsPinMap └ ListofEvents ├ ExplorePlaces ┬ ├ SearchYelpPlaces ├ GoogleYelpPlacesMap └ ListOfPlaces └ Settings ┬ ├ EventForm ├ EventsCollection └ Event
- React - The web library used
- React-Semantic-ui - CSS styling
- Yelp API - API used to setup meet up locations.
- Google Maps API - Provides map to add pins to search by area.
- JWT Auth - Token authentication/authorization
- Custom CSS styling
- npm install && npm start
- npm install react-router-dom
- npm install react-redux or redux-react
- Roger Perez - Creator - Personal Website
- Thanks to Humzah Choudry && Laura Kim, Teaching Coach Fellows @FlatironSchool.
- Thanks to my cohort #Octothorps where I received a second set of eyes when troubles came up.
- Flatiron School