Currently using @QuarkusTest
in a spock test case is not supported by Quarkus
This is caused by Spock using its own extension mechanism, and not handle JUnit5 annotations out of the box.
There are projects which aim to provide a compatibility/wrapper layer (e.g. spock-junit5
), but since these projects currently do not
support interceptors (which the spock JUnit5 extension heavily relies on) , these libraries won't help to excute quarkus test case
with spock.
This extension tries to solve this issue by registering a custom spock extension (IAnnotationDrivenExtension
) which delegates all spock lifecycle methods
to the corresponding JUnit5 method interceptor handler in the quarkus Junit5 extension
Import maven dependency
class SimpleQuarkusSpockExtensionTest extends Specification {
def "Assert that a simple quarkus test case can be executed"() {
given: "Any value"
def value = "quarkus-spock"
when: "Any operation is performed"
def result = value + " rocks"
then: "No exception is thrown"
and: "Result has expected value"
result == "quarkus-spock rocks"
class SimpleQuarkusSpockExtensionTest extends Specification {
MockTestService mockTestService
def "Assert that a quarkus test case with parameters can be executed"() {
given: "Any value"
def value = "quarkus-spock"
and: "Mocked InjectTestService"
QuarkusMock.installMockForType(Mock(InjectTestService) {
1 * getSuffix(suffix) >> " rocks even more"
0 * _
}, InjectTestService.class)
when: "Any operation is performed"
def result = value + mockTestService.getSuffix(suffix)
then: "No exception is thrown"
and: "Result has expected value"
result == expectedResult
suffix || expectedResult
"rocks" || "quarkus-spock rocks even more"
"is great" || "quarkus-spock rocks even more"