Advent of Code solutions in TS using Deno 🦕
For 2022:
# on the day
deno task setup # generates 1.ts, 2.ts, and input.txt in the day's folder
# with a basic boilerplate
deno task o 1 # to run the first part of the day's puzzle
deno task o 2 # to run the second part
For 2021 (or other days):
# deno task setup <year> <day>
deno task setup 2021 1 # generates 1.ts, 2.ts, and input.txt in ./2021/01/
# with a basic boilerplate
# deno task watch <path>
deno task watch 2021/01/1.ts # to run the first part of a day's puzzle
deno task watch 2021/01/2.ts # to run the second part