A list of friendly active repos for contributing!
- Original idea: https://twitter.com/ykdojo/status/1527459965769723905
- Original list: https://twitter.com/ykdojo/status/1527429405932257280
An easy first open-source project to contribute to.
It has instructions on how to get started with the process, which makes it really easy. Highly recommend it for your first contribution.
A website that will curate recently-asked interview questions from FAANG+ to help people practice & prep.
Built on: TypeScript/JavaScript, Next.js/React, Supabase
An open-source alternative to Linktree.
Built on: JavaScript, Node, React
A list of web3 learning resources.
Built on: markdown, plain text
A secure P2P file transfer app.
Built on: Dart, Flutter
A news site scraping API with a few different endpoints that provide links to articles related to energy prices.
Built on: JavaScript
A site that recommends the hottest projects on GitHub.
Built on: TypeScript, Node
An open-source Firebase alternative. Has multiple good first issues for beginners and non-code-related issues to get started with open source. The contribution guide has good coverage of how to get started. Besides the main repo, there are many more repos open for contributions in many coding languages and different technologies.
Built on: many languages
An open-source deep learning system for large-scale model training with high efficiency and low cost. Colossal-AI provides a collection of parallel training components. We aim to support you to write your distributed deep learning models just like how you write your model on your laptop. We provide user-friendly tools to kickstart distributed training in a few lines.
Built on: Python, Cuda, C++
Amplication is an open‑source development tool. It helps you develop quality Node.js applications without spending time on repetitive coding tasks.
Built on: TypeScript, NodeJS, React, etc.
Next-generation ORM for Node.js & TypeScript | PostgreSQL, MySQL, MariaDB, SQL Server, SQLite, MongoDB and CockroachDB.
Built on: TypeScript, JavaScript, Shell etc.
Issues for first timers: https://github.com/prisma/prisma/contribute
Open-source notification infrastructure for products.
Built on: TypeScript, JavaScript, HTML etc.
Issues for first timers: https://github.com/novuhq/novu/contribute
Find your project mate online | A place where you can find contributors and maintainers for open-source projects
Built on: Next.js TypeScript, MongoDB, Firebase, Prisma etc.
Issues for first timers: https://github.com/rohitdasu/projectmate/contribute