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Essentially, MEAN stack is an open-source technology that includes four JavaScript-based technologies including MongoDB, ExpressJS, Angular, Node.js (MEAN). By learning and mastering MEAN stack, you can enjoy the perks of a host of domains for developing web apps and dynamic websites.
Why? What?
How single threaded?
threadpool? Libuv module
why express?
- middleware? example
event emitter
how to handle unhandledRejection, uncaughtException
module.exports vs export
higher order function
- real use case
- error first callback
- callback hell ? 1. example 2. how to remove the callback hell
- real use case
- chaining
- promiseall vs race vs allSettled
- real use case
- let, var, const, normal funtion
- why function as expression not hoisted.
- "use strict"
null undefined undeclared
call, apply, bind / context switching
classes in es5 & es6
array > filter, map, reduce, foreach, slice, splice
functions > iffe, expression, normal function
es6 features
- fat arrow functions > significance and use
- classes
- literal string
- destructuring object
- rest and spread operator > significance and use
Scope in JavaScript > global local lexical
File system(fs)
- asynchronous > methods
- synchronous > methods
settimeout, setimmediate, setInterval
cron job
web worker
cluster,fork, process spwan
cors issue > resolution & internal working
virtual dom,real dom,real dom,shadow dom
Will Add Soon
Angular start point
purpose index.html and main.ts -
Module? imports,declaration,providers
@injectable => providedin
how to make singleton service > 1. providedin="root" & 2.providedin="Module_Name" -
- Lifecyclehooks?
- children method
- why ngOnchanges called first
- parameters
- can we provide service directly in component? how? how many instances created?
- Lifecyclehooks?
- Custom Pipes ? how to implement and real example
- Pure pipes
- Types > why component is directive
- Custom directive ? how to implement and real example
Can we use
on single line -
Content projection
Elvis operator
Observalables vs promises?
- why observables are prefered
- Subjects? Subjects vs BehaviorSubjects vs ReplaySubjects
- observables chaining
Interceptor > how to use ? use cases
Purpose of below files and atleast rough idea of contents
- package.json & package-lock.json
- angular.json
- tsconfig.json
local storage, session storage and cookies
Karma & Jasmine? describe, it, Spyon, Spy, beforeEach, expect
Event binding & Property binding
Event bubbling
- how to stop propagation vs prevent default
- event delegation
Url/dom sanitization
Share data between component methods > total 5 method (state any 2-4)
ng-container vs ng-template
Security features in your application
Change detection
- ngzone
- which component lifecyclehook called
- purpose of base href tag
- lazy loading > what it is? how to implement
- router outlet, router links, router state, routerLinkActive
- Wildcard route
- Route Guards > Methods and purpose (CanActivate, CanActivateChild, CanDeactivate,Resolve and CanLoad)
Just-in-Time (JIT) vs Ahead-of-Time (AOT)
rxjs, rxjs operators with example
Why mongoose? > any other orm
aggregate > stages
joins($loookup) > foreign key, left outer join only
(rough idea) how it works
methods > use
bcrypt vs jwt
Why? What?
string reverse (using inbuilt methods and by loop) 1. simple 2. sentence( normal, word by word reverse)
string manipulation (using inbuilt methods and by loop)
fibonacci series (using recursion and loop) 1. simple 2. till n terms
palindrome(string and number)
factorial of number (small number and big number)
array (sort, find,remove duplicates, replace value, reverse, find 2nd highest number)
prime number( single number, range, next of given number)
let var const
0.1+0.2==0.3 (reason why not equal)
console.log(3>2>1) console.log(1<2<3)
console.log(1 ?? 3)
methods for creating object & object cloning(shallow & deep) with example