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Github App Installation Channels Diagram

ng-druid edited this page Sep 20, 2022 · 14 revisions

The below diagram describes the service communication channel during installation of the Github app. The flow effectively creates a cognito user from the Github user using a temporary password and sends an an email with further instructions to login and change the temporary password. This process is not as straight forward as it may seem since there are a few complexities of identifying the users email address, storing access tokens, and additional attributes for bypassing manual signup inside cognito.

  Vertigo->>Github: Exchange access
  Note over Vertigo, Github: Redirect from Github provides access code.
  Github-->>Vertigo: Access Token
  Vertigo->>Github: Get user
  Github-->>Vertigo: User Info
  Vertigo->>Github: List Emails
  Github-->>Vertigo: Email Addresses
  Note over Github, Vertigo: Identify FIRST verified email address
  Vertigo->>Cognito: Signup User
  Note over Vertigo, Cognito: Include githubAccessToken and githubRefreshToken as custom attributes
  Cognito-->>Vertigo: User Info
  Vertigo->>Cognito: Force email verification
  Cognito-->>Vertigo: Email verification forced
  Vertigo->>Cognito: Force user confirmation
  Cognito-->>Vertigo: User confirmation forced
  Vertigo->>Cognito: Force password reset
  Note over Vertigo, Cognito: Users required to change temporary password upon first login
  Cognito-->>Vertigo: Password reset forced
  Vertigo->>SES: Send transactional email
  Note over Vertigo, SES: Email includes instructions to login and temporary password
  SES-->>Vertigo: Transactional email sent 

When user exists check whether name and email match. When name and email match update custom attributes with new tokens. If email matches existing user I think it is safe to assume that user maps to the Github user although the name will not match between the two.