This project was created for educational purposes and to consolidate the acquired knowledge.
Keep in mind that the implementation is ongoing and some modules may work with bugs.
This demo shows a working sample of microservices architecture using ASP.NET Core. It covers how to create microservices, how to create API gateways using Ocelot and how to deploy microservices using Docker containers.
The fastest and easiest way to run this project is a Kubernates Cluster. You just need to install Docker Desktop and Minikube tools. Instead of building sources you can use latest version of images from public Docker Hub registry (romanbilyak). Go to the folder k8s and run PowerShell script run.ps1 with specified registry parameter.
.\run.ps1 -r 'romanbilyak'
Go to https://localhost to browse application.
Other methods of running this project are described below:
SSL certificate for localhost domain signed by custom self-signed root certificate. To avoid browser warnings please install it (ca.crt) to the list of trusted root certification authorities.
Name: bob
Password: bob
Go to the folder k8s and run PowerShell script run.ps1.
.\run.ps1 -nodes 2 -cpus 4 -memory 4096 -r 'romanbilyak' -t 'latest'
Param | Short Form | Default | Description |
-nodes | -n | 1 | Number of nodes. |
-cpus | -c | 2 | Number of CPUs allocated to Kubernetes. |
-memory | -m | 2048 | Amount of RAM to allocate to Kubernetes. |
-registry | -r | '' | Name of docker images registry. |
-tag | -t | '' | Tag of images. |
The script will:
Start Kubernates Cluster localy using Minikube.
Deploy services from specified images registry to local Kubernates Cluster.
Expose applications and api gateway services.
Go to https://localhost to browse application.
.Net 7.0 (Included in Visual Studio Community 2022 v17.4.4)
Go to the folder docker\docker-compose-infrastructure and run the following docker-compose command in PowerShell:
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.override.yml up
Go to the folder docker\docker-compose-api and run the following docker-compose command in PowerShell:
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.override.yml up
Go to the folder docker\docker-compose and run the following docker-compose command in PowerShell:
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.override.yml up
Set gateway and microservices as startup projects. Your can also run the docker-compose-infrastructure project instead of installing and configuring infrastructure services by yourself.
Kubernates Cluster | Docker Compose | Visual Studio | |
app-angular | https://localhost | https://localhost:9001 | https://localhost:7001 |
app-react | https://localhost/app/ | https://localhost:9002 | https://localhost:7002 |
api-auth-service | https://localhost/auth/ | https://localhost:9100 | https://localhost:7100 |
api-gateway-service | https://localhost/api/ | https://localhost:9200 | https://localhost:7200 |
api-identity-service | https://localhost:9201 | https://localhost:7201 | |
api-movie-service | https://localhost:9202 | https://localhost:7202 | |
api-review-service | https://localhost:9203 | https://localhost:7203 | |
api-payment-service | https://localhost:9204 | https://localhost:7204 | |
api-test-service | https://localhost:9205 | https://localhost:7205 |
applications -
core -
docker -
k8s -
microservices -
tests -
This project implements NLayer architecture and Domain Driven Design
- EF Core
Ast.Net Core
Validation Rules
- Database contexts
- Application services
Root layer for microservice's layers
View Models
- Unit Tests
- General
- Version control
- Git
- GitHub
- GitLab
- Data structures
- Non-generic
- Generic
- Thread-safe
- Algorithms
- Version control
- C#
- C# 11
- .Net 7
- .Net CLI
- Architectural Patterns
- MVC (Model-View-Controller)
- MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel)
- Microservices Architecture
- RESTful API Design
- Hexagonal Architecture
- SOA (Service-Oriented Architecture)
- EDA (Event-Driven Architecture)
- Serverless Architecture
- Layered Architecture
- Clean Architecture
- Multitier Architecture
- Distributed Architecture
- Serverless Architecture
- CQRS (Command Query Responsibility Segregation)
- Dependency Injection
- DDD (Domain-Driven Design)
- Containerization and Orchestration
- Gateway and Proxy Patterns
- Event Sourcing
- Saga Pattern
- Design Patterns
- Creational Patterns
- Structural Patterns
- Behavioral Patterns
- Design Principles
- SOLID Principles
- Single Responsibility Principle
- Open-Closed Principle
- Liskov Substitution Principle
- Interface Segregation Principle
- Dependency Inversion Principle
- DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself)
- YAGNI (You Ain't Gonna Need It)
- KISS (Keep It Simple, Stupid)
- SOLID Principles
- Asp.Net Core
- Web API
- Minimal APIs
- Routing
- Middlewares
- Filters & Attributes
- Configuration
- Authentication & Authorization
- JWT (JSON Web Tokens)
- OAuth2 and OpenID Connect
- Identity Server
- CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing)
- Dependency Injection
- APIs
- Protocols
- SOAP (Simple object access protocol)
- REST (Representational state transfer)
- Web API
- Minimal APIs
- FastEndpoints
- gRPC (Google remote procedure call)
- GraphQL (Graph query language)
- HotChocolate
- OData (Open Data Protocol)
- Documentation
- OpenAPI/Swagger
- AsyncAPI
- SDK Libraries
- Refit
- RestSharp
- Flurt
- Protocols
- RDBMS Databases
- SQL Syntax
- Stored Procedures
- Databases
- SQL Server
- Postgress
- MySql/MariaDB
- NoSQL Databases
- Cloud proprietary
- Azure CosmosDB
- AWS DynamoDB
- ElasticSearch
- Redis
- MongoDB
- Cloud proprietary
- ORMs
- Entity Framework Core
- Code first & Migrations
- Change Tracker API
- Lazy Loading, Eager Loading, Explicit Loading
- Dapper
- Entity Framework Core
- Dependency Injection
- Microsoft Dependency Injection
- DryIoc
- Scrutor
- Castle Windsor
- Caching
- Output Caching
- Response Caching
- Redis
- Logging
- Microsoft Logging
- NLogger
- Serilog
- Messaging
- Azure Service Bus
- RabbitMQ
- MassTransit
- Streaming
- Apache Kafka
- AWS Kinesis
- Azure Event Hubs
- Real-Time Communication
- SignalR
- Web Sockets
- Task Scheduling
- BackgroundService
- PeriodicTimer
- HangFire
- Testing
- Unit Testing
- Frameworks
- xUnit
- NUnit
- Mocking
- NSubstitute
- Moq
- Assertion
- FluentAssertions
- Test Data Generators
- Bogus
- AutiFixture
- Frameworks
- Integration Testing
- WebApplicationFactory
- Respawn
- Docker
- Testcontainers
- Snapshot Testing
- Verify
- E2E Testing
- Playwright
- Performance Testing
- K6
- MBomber
- JMeter
- Unit Testing
- Monitoring and Telemetry
- OpenTelemetry
- Jeager
- Prometheus
- Grafana
- ELK Stack
- Datadog
- OpenTelemetry
- Containers
- Containerization
- Docker
- Podman
- Orchestration
- Kubernetes
- Containerization
- Cloud
- Providers
- Azure
- Google Cloud Platform
- Serverless
- Azure Functions
- AWS Lambda
- File Store
- Azure Store
- AWS S3
- Providers
- GitHub Actions
- TeamCity
- Octopus Deploy
- Azure Pipelines
- Gitlab CI
- Jenkins
- Build Automation
- Cake
- Nuke
- DevOps
- Infrastructure as code
- Terraform
- Pulumi
- Infrastructure as code
- .Net Libraries
- Polly
- FluentValidation
- Humanizer.Core
- Benchmark.Net
- MediatR
- Units.NET
- NodeTime
Contributions to this repository are welcome. If you have a code sample or educational resource that you would like to contribute, please follow these steps:
- Fork the repository.
- Create a new branch for your changes.
- Make your changes and commit them to your branch.
- Submit a pull request.
Please ensure that your contributions adhere to the repository's code of conduct and that they are well-documented and follow best practices.
This repository is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more information.