App to illustrate the history of transcript cluster annotations of the Affy array HTA2.0
Rational: since some annotations have been changed from release to release and I noticed that different people have been working with the same HTA2.0 gene-level dataset, but using different releases, there was the idea to establish an easy method to compare the annotations using e.g. a shiny app.
The small and straightforward app shows the annotation history of HTA2.0 transcript clusters according to
In brief, all available releases e.g. 33-36 were downloaded and matched by the column transcript_cluster_id. The app allows the user to search for multiple ids in the search field (of note, not all ids are shown due to speed issues). After a selection, the gene_assignment is illustrated for the id stratified by the release history. Furthermore all available columns are shown in a table at the bottom of the single-page-app.
Get a first impression of the first 100 probes per chromosome using
lapply(c("shiny", "tidyverse", "DT"), function(x) if(!require(x,character.only = TRUE)) install.packages(x))
The full dataset can be downloaded here Download the zipped app from github, unzipp the archive and drop the downloaded .rds
in the app directory. Then replace line 12 in the global.R
file from
all_data <- readRDS("HTA2.0Transcript_Cluster_Annotations_snippet.rds")
all_data <- readRDS("HTA2.0Transcript_Cluster_Annotations.rds")
Then, open RStudio an run