Server-side library to generate JSON data for JQuery DataTables from Django queryset result. Comes as Queryset mixin class to extend a single model queryset. Supports DataTables v1.10+ (no legacy support).
- global case-insensitive search by searchable columns;
- multi-column sorting by orderable columns;
- individual column filtering by searchable columns;
- on individual column filtering the following rules apply depending of what a search value is:
- started with '!' applies negated filtering, .exclude() instead of .filter();
- 'None' string provided applies "__isnull=True" query;
- integer provided applies "__exact" query for comparison (SQL "="),
- comma presents, applies "__in" against the list obtained by splitting search value by comma;
- otherwise, "__icontains" query applied (SQL "LIKE '%text%'");
- matching UI column names to model fields including nested ones according to the mapping passed;
- pagination support;
- transforming datetimes into strings to be JSON-serializable;
- when pagination is fully disabled, passing "limit" argument in URL will limit the number of rows returned;
- DataTables acceptable response, ready for JSON dump;
- no regex support.
Here is some excerpts of code.
class AnnouncementQuerySet(models.query.QuerySet, DataTablesQuerySetMixin):
class AnnouncementManager(models.Manager):
def get_queryset(self):
return AnnouncementQuerySet(self.model, using=self._db)
class Announcement(models.Model):
id = models.AutoField(primary_key=True)
objects = AnnouncementManager()
# DataTable header mapping
columns = {
'ID': 'id',
'Title': 'title',
'Created on': 'created',
'Created by': '',
'Acknowledged': lambda a: a.acks.filter(created__isnull=False).count()
data = Announcement.objects.all()
data = data.datatables(columns, request)
return JsonResponse(data)
<table id="my_datatable" class="display compact">
<th>Created on</th>
<th>Created by</th>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
var table_options = {
"processing": true,
"serverSide": true,
"ajax": "{% url 'my.appy' %}?json=true",
"paging": true,
"ordering": true,
"searching": true,
"info": true,
"order": [[1, "desc"]],
"pageLength": 20,
"lengthChange": false,
"columns": [
{"data": "ID"},
{"data": "Title"},
{"data": "Created on",},
{"data": "Created by"},
{"data": "Acknowledged"}
var oTable = $("#my_datatable").DataTable(table_options);