a tool for encrypting any strings which are supposed to be used as passwords, secret messages, etc. This package offers a module with two function for encrypting and decrypting that can be used inside JS code.
- Util for promisifying imported modules,
- Crypto for managing all scypt-related steps
- AES-192
- Import chiper module into your code by CommonJs syntax:
const {encryptText, decryptText} = require('./cipher');
- Create salt and password variables. Remember that password must be hidden in your code:
const SALT = 'ThisIsRAndomSaltInCaseAUserPutTooSillyPassAndItAddsThisSaltToBeSafer1231321sdfsdf@322z';
const PASSWORD = "Our secret password"; //IT MUST BE HIDDEN IN THE CODE
- Use imported methods from the module inside asynchronous function:
(async () => {
// Let's encrypt the message
const encrypted = await encryptText("Hi from encrypted text!", PASSWORD, SALT)
// Let's decrypt the message
const decrypted = await decryptText(encrypted.encrypted, PASSWORD, SALT, encrypted.iv)
- Run node environment inside your local folder by the command:
node index
- In your console you will get the following info:
encrypted: 'f0148cebe94baa14975840d82ebf2d939698ace3c07dc0a2e2d1e209c672e0b4',
iv: 'f86da17cdc07f2a163cf6e5045cea5b9'
Hi from encrypted text!