becouse no one want to handle your mess of
's and ';'.
We did rewrite everything in es6. including server entries, babel configs, prerender.
becouse who the fuck restarts servers and refreshes browsers in 2016?
Hot-reloading skyrocket our performance. So we write hot-reloading for everything: front-end, css, and server prerender. Yes, you herd it right - we actully do prerender hot-swap.
So we add source maps for everything, enable beatiful readable logging and add support for external dev tools.
becouse sometimes it feels like webpack configs was written by martians for martians.
Ever whitness webpack.config
so large and complicated your eye twitched? We seen it too.
So here we designed every config to be readable and obvious, even in price of some code duplication.
Did you ever debug 3 server environment build by single buidl-server.js
swarmed by if (options.prerender || ! || process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production')
? So we rewrited every entry to be as clean as possible.
becouse some boilerplates so bloated,
npm install
runs forever andgit clone
eat's out my data plan for a week
Every line of code you will see here is essential. We did include some utils you may
need, but thats it.
One store, one debug tool, replay and one interface to get data to your components.
- prerendering and browser entry points
- redux for everything
- .js compilation
- .styl compilation
- .static files compilation
- Hot reloading on client
- Hogan/mustache template by loader, not in runtime
- Hot reloading express app without breaking HMR middleware
- expressive commands to run with color coding
- JWT middleware on react from
- Helmet with all smart meta-tags
- Heroku/travis deploy
- Whitescape sertified eslint
- Make all globals that make sense accessible
- Fix 404 :(