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The Russo-Ukrainian War Updates

Project Idea/Description

With this project I want to highlight and update people on what is going on in Ukraine. During these times it is very important to document war crimes against Ukranian people by their opposition and stop misinformation from spreading on the media. This webapp serves as a tool for people to document The Russo-Ukranian war as it unfolds. A user will be able to browse through latest updates on the war and document war crimes as well as misinformation and save tweets to their profle.

Website Functionality

To get access to user newsfeed please sign up first!


  1. Fork and clone repo UkraineUpdates
  2. Sign up for twitter Developer account
  3. Run npm install to install all dependencies
  4. touch .env .gitignore files (really important to add your .env file to .gitignore right away!)
  5. Paste your API_KEY, API_KEY_SECRET, BEARER_TOKEN, ACCESS_TOKEN, ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET from twitter developer portal to you env file
  6. Create a SECRET key for cookies in your env file
  7. CREATE a PORT key you want your app to run in locally and paste in in your env file
  8. Set up postgres database
  9. Create a database named ukrainenews by running create database ukrainenews in your postgres terminal for WSL, or alternatively run createdb ukrainenews on MAC
  10. Run sequelize db:migrate to run migrations
  11. Run nodemon to start your application. If you haven't installed it, run npm install -g nodemon to install it globally

Tech Stack

  • Postgres
  • Express
  • Node
  • Vanilla JavaScript
  • EJS
  • CSS

Choice of API

Most of the data for this app will be pulled form Twitter APIv2, from my experience it has been an effective source especially when it comes to live updates. For this project it will be extremly important to use verified acount tweets.

Valid API Proof




Restful Routing Chart

Method Path Purpose
GET / home page of the website
GET /signup signup page of the website
POST /signup signup for the website
GET /login login page of the website
GET /users/profilejournal/:id profile page that displays user journal section of the website
GET /users/profiletweets/:id profile page that displays user saved tweets section of the website
DELETE /users/:noteid delete saved note from profile
DELETE /users/tweet/:tweetid delete saved tweet from profile
PUT /users/edit/:noteId edit saved note from profile
GET /users/newsfeed newsfeed page of the website
POST /users/noteform add note to user profile
POST /users/add-tweet add tweet to user profile
GET /noteform note form page of the website

Wireframes of all user views


User Stories

  • As a user, I want to sign up for a profile
  • As a user, I want to sign out of my profile
  • As a user, I want to see all important update on The Russo-Ukrainian War
  • As a user, I want to document a war crime and I want it to show up on my profile
  • As a user, I want to see full article detail from it's original source
  • As a user, I want to delete any notes I made on any articles
  • As a user, I want to edit any notes I made on any articles

MVP goals

  • Authentication
  • Twitter API successfully working
  • Newsfeed page
  • Document war crimes form working
  • Notes showing up in my profile page
  • Delete/Edit notes

Stretch goals

  • Implement multiple sources of API, Twitter, Reddit, News
  • Filter them out
  • For each API show what source they've been pulled from
  • Implement image upload for notes

Improvements Reflection

  • make about route where I talk about why I did this project and details of the conflict
  • casualties updates - scrape news wesbite for this
  • live tweet apears on newsfeed
  • join table implementation
  • responsivness
  • error handling
  • form validation


  • even though I was in docs alot I feel like I need to spend more time going over docs
  • learned client / server side difference
  • working with queries
  • importance of structuring my app and have a clear road map before I start coding
  • working with databases - I'm still in the process of understanding things better


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