The spear-framework provides scope to write simple ETL/ELT-connectors/pipelines for moving data from different sources to different destinations which greatly minimizes the effort of writing complex codes for data ingestion. Connectors which have the ability to extract and load (ETL or ELT) any kind of data from source with custom tansformations applied can be written and executed seamlessly using spear connectors.
- Introduction
- Design and Code Quality
- Getting started with Spear
- Develop your first connector using Spear
- Example Connectors
- Other Functionalities of Spear
- Contributions and License
- Visit Website
Spear Framework provides the developers thae ability to write connectors (ETL/ELT jobs) from a source to a target,applying business logic/transformations over the soure data and ingesting it to the corresponding destination with very minimal code.
The master version of the framework has the support for spark-2.4.x with scala 2.11.x .For spear-framework with spark 3.x support click here
You can get started with spear using any of the below methods:
You can add spear-framework as dependency in your projects build.sbt file as show below
libraryDependencies += "io.github.romans-weapon" %% "spear-framework" % "2.4-3.0.3"
Maven dependency for spear is shown below:
You can also add it as a package while staring spark-shell along with other packages.
spark-shell --packages "io.github.romans-weapon:spear-framework_2.11:2.4-3.0.3"
Below are the simple steps to setup spear on any machine having docker and docker-compose installed :
- Clone the repository from git and navigate to project directory
git clone && cd spear-framework
- Run script using the command
- Once the setup is completed run the below command for entering into the container containing spear
user@node~$ docker exec -it spear bash
- Run
inside the conatiner to start spark shell integrated with spear .
root@hadoop # spear-shell
- Once you enter into the conatiner you will get default hadoop/hive environment readily available to read data from any source and write it to HDFS so that it gives you complete environment to create your own data-pipelines using spear-framework.
Services and their corresponding versions available within the container are shown below:
Service | Version |
Spark | 2.4.7 |
Hadoop | 2.10.1 |
Hive | 2.1.1 |
Also it has a postgres database and a NO-SQL database mongodb as well which you can use it as a source or as a desination for writing and testing your connector.
- Start writing your own connectors and explore .To understand how to write a connector click here
Below are the steps to write any connector:
- Get the suitable connector object using Spearconnector by providing the source and destination details as shown below:\
a. For connectors from single source to single destination below is how you create a connector object
import com.github.edge.roman.spear.SpearConnector
val connector = SpearConnector
.createConnector(name="defaultconnector") //give a name to your connector(any name)
.source(sourceType = "relational", sourceFormat = "jdbc")//source type and format for loading data
.target(targetType = "FS", targetFormat = "parquet") //target type and format for writing data to dest.
b. For connectors from a source to multiple targets below is how you create a connector object
val multiTargetConnector = SpearConnector
.createConnector(name="defaultconnector") //give a name to your connector(any name)
.source(sourceType = "relational", sourceFormat = "jdbc")//source type and format for loading data
.multitarget //use multitarget in case of more than on destinations
- Below are the source and destination type combinations that spear-framework supports:
source type | dest. type | description |
file | relational | connector object with file source and database as dest. |
relational | relational | connector object with database source and database as dest. |
stream | relational | connector object with stream source and database as dest. |
nosql | relational | connector object with nosql source and relational as dest. |
graph | relational | connector object with graph source and database as dest. |
file | FS | connector object with file source and FileSystem as dest. |
relational | FS | connector object with database source and FileSystem as dest |
stream | FS | connector object with stream source and FileSystem as dest. |
FS | FS | connector object with FileS source and FileSystem as dest. |
graph | FS | connector object with graph source and FileSystem as dest. |
nosql | FS | connector object with nosql source and FileSystem as dest. |
file | nosql | connector object with nosql source and nosql as dest. |
relational | nosql | connector object with nosql source and nosql as dest. |
nosql | nosql | connector object with nosql source and nosql as dest. |
graph | nosql | connector object with graph source and nosql as dest. |
file | graph | connector object with file source and Graph as dest. |
relational | graph | connector object with relational source and Graph as dest. |
nosql | graph | connector object with nosql source and Graph as dest. |
- Write the connector logic using the connector object in step 1.
-> Souce object and connection profile needs to be specified for reading data from source
.source(sourceObject="<filename/tablename/topic/api>", <source_connection_profile Map((key->value))>)
.sourceSql(<connection profile>,<sql_text>)
->The saveAs api creates a temporary table on the source data with the given alias name which can be used for further transformations
.saveAs("<alias temporary table name>")
->apply custom tranformations on the loaded source data.(optional/can be applied only if necessary)
.transformSql("<transformation sql to be applied on source data>")
->target details where you want to load the data.
.targetFS(destinationFilePath = "<hdfs /s3/gcs file path>", saveAsTable = "<tablename>", <Savemode can be overwrite/append/ignore>)
.targetJDBC(tableName=<table_name>, targetProperties, <Savemode can be overwrite/append/ignore>)
.targetNoSQL(<nosql_obj_name>,targetProperties,<Savemode can be overwrite/append/ignore>)
->for multitarget use the branch api.The dest format will be given whithin the target which will be shown in the examples below.
- On completion stop the connector.
//stops the connector object and the underlying spark session
- Enable verbose logging To get the output df at each stage in your connector you can explicitly enable verbose logging as below as soon as you a connector object.This is completely optional.
connector.setVeboseLogging(true) //default value is false.
Connector is basically the logic/code which allows you to create a pipeline from source to target using the spear framework, using which you can write data from any source to any destination.
Spear framework supports writing data to any RDBMS with jdbc as destination(postgres/oracle/msql etc..) from various sources like a file(csv/json/filesystem etc..)/database(RDBMS/cloud db etc..)/streaming(kafka/dir path etc..).Given below are examples of few connectors with JDBC as target.Below examples are written for postgresql as JDBC target,but this can be extended for any jdbc target.
An example connector for reading csv file applying transformations and storing it into postgres table using spear:\
The input data is available in the data/us-election-2012-results-by-county.csv. Simply copy the below connector and paste it in your interactive shell and see your data being moved to a table in postgres with such minimal code !!!.
import com.github.edge.roman.spear.SpearConnector
import org.apache.log4j.{Level, Logger}
import org.apache.spark.sql.SaveMode
val targetProps = Map(
"driver" -> "org.postgresql.Driver",
"user" -> "postgres_user",
"password" -> "mysecretpassword",
"url" -> "jdbc:postgresql://postgres:5432/pgdb"
val csvJdbcConnector = SpearConnector
.source(sourceType = "file", sourceFormat = "csv")
.target(targetType = "relational", targetFormat = "jdbc")
.source(sourceObject="file:///opt/spear-framework/data/us-election-2012-results-by-county.csv", Map("header" -> "true", "inferSchema" -> "true"))
"""select state_code,party,
|sum(votes) as total_votes
|from __tmp__
|group by state_code,party""".stripMargin)
.targetJDBC(objectName="mytable", props=targetProps, saveMode=SaveMode.Overwrite)
21/06/17 08:04:03 INFO targetjdbc.FiletoJDBC: Connector:CSVtoPostgresConnector to Target:JDBC with Format:jdbc from Source:file:///opt/spear-framework/data/us-election-2012-results-by-county.csv with Format:csv started running !!
21/06/17 08:04:09 INFO targetjdbc.FiletoJDBC: Reading source file: file:///opt/spear-framework/data/us-election-2012-results-by-county.csv with format: csv status:success
|1 |AK |Alasaba |220596 |Dem |Barack |Obama |91696|
|2 |AK |Akaskak |220596 |Dem |Barack |Obama |91696|
|3 |AL |Autauga |23909 |Dem |Barack |Obama |6354 |
|4 |AK |Akaska |220596 |Dem |Barack |Obama |91696|
|5 |AL |Baldwin |84988 |Dem |Barack |Obama |18329|
|6 |AL |Barbour |11459 |Dem |Barack |Obama |5873 |
|7 |AL |Bibb |8391 |Dem |Barack |Obama |2200 |
|8 |AL |Blount |23980 |Dem |Barack |Obama |2961 |
|9 |AL |Bullock |5318 |Dem |Barack |Obama |4058 |
|10 |AL |Butler |9483 |Dem |Barack |Obama |4367 |
only showing top 10 rows
21/06/17 08:04:10 INFO targetjdbc.FiletoJDBC: Saving data as temporary table:__tmp__ success
21/06/17 08:04:12 INFO targetjdbc.FiletoJDBC: Executing transformation sql: select state_code,party,
sum(votes) as total_votes
from __tmp__
group by state_code,party status :success
|AL |Dem |793620 |
|NY |GOP |2226637 |
|MI |CST |16792 |
|ID |GOP |420750 |
|ID |Ind |2495 |
|WA |CST |7772 |
|HI |Grn |3121 |
|MS |RP |969 |
|MN |Grn |13045 |
|ID |Dem |212560 |
only showing top 10 rows
21/06/17 08:04:17 INFO targetjdbc.FiletoJDBC: Write data to table/object:mytable completed with status:success
|AL |Dem |793620 |
|NY |GOP |2226637 |
|MI |CST |16792 |
|ID |GOP |420750 |
|ID |Ind |2495 |
|WA |CST |7772 |
|HI |Grn |3121 |
|MS |RP |969 |
|MN |Grn |13045 |
|ID |Dem |212560 |
only showing top 10 rows
A lot of connectors from other file source to JDBC destination are avaialble here.
This example shows the usage of sourceSql api for reading from source with filters applied on the source query as ahown below.
import com.github.edge.roman.spear.SpearConnector
import org.apache.log4j.{Level, Logger}
import org.apache.spark.sql.SaveMode
val targetParams = Map(
"driver" -> "org.postgresql.Driver",
"user" -> "postgres_user",
"password" -> "mysecretpassword",
"url" -> "jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/pgdb"
val oracleTOPostgresConnector = SpearConnector
.source(sourceType = "relational", sourceFormat = "jdbc")
.target(targetType = "relational", targetFormat = "jdbc")
.sourceSql(Map("driver" -> "oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver", "user" -> "user", "password" -> "pass", "url" -> "jdbc:oracle:thin:@ora-host:1521:orcl"),
| to_char(sys_extract_utc(systimestamp), 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS.FF') as ingest_ts_utc,
| to_char(TIMESTAMP_0, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS.FF') as timestamp_0,
| to_char(TIMESTAMP_5, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS.FF') as timestamp_5,
| to_char(TIMESTAMP_7, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS.FF') as timestamp_7,
| to_char(TIMESTAMP_9, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS.FF') as timestamp_9,
| to_char(TIMESTAMP0_WITH_TZ) as timestamp0_with_tz , to_char(sys_extract_utc(TIMESTAMP0_WITH_TZ), 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') as timestamp0_with_tz_utc,
| to_char(TIMESTAMP5_WITH_TZ) as timestamp5_with_tz , to_char(sys_extract_utc(TIMESTAMP5_WITH_TZ), 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS.FF') as timestamp5_with_tz_utc,
| to_char(TIMESTAMP8_WITH_TZ) as timestamp8_with_tz , to_char(sys_extract_utc(TIMESTAMP8_WITH_TZ), 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS.FF') as timestamp8_with_tz_utc,
| to_char(TIMESTAMP0_WITH_LTZ) as timestamp0_with_ltz , to_char(sys_extract_utc(TIMESTAMP0_WITH_LTZ), 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') as timestamp0_with_ltz_utc,
| to_char(TIMESTAMP5_WITH_LTZ) as timestamp5_with_ltz , to_char(sys_extract_utc(TIMESTAMP5_WITH_LTZ), 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS.FF') as timestamp5_with_ltz_utc,
| to_char(TIMESTAMP8_WITH_LTZ) as timestamp8_with_ltz , to_char(sys_extract_utc(TIMESTAMP8_WITH_LTZ), 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS.FF') as timestamp8_with_ltz_utc
| TO_TIMESTAMP(ingest_ts_utc) as ingest_ts_utc,
| TIMESTAMP_0 as timestamp_0,
| TIMESTAMP_5 as timestamp_5,
| TIMESTAMP_7 as timestamp_7,
| TIMESTAMP_9 as timestamp_9,
| TIMESTAMP0_WITH_TZ as timestamp0_with_tz,TIMESTAMP0_WITH_TZ_utc as timestamp0_with_tz_utc,
| TIMESTAMP5_WITH_TZ as timestamp5_with_tz,TIMESTAMP5_WITH_TZ_utc as timestamp5_with_tz_utc,
| TIMESTAMP8_WITH_TZ as timestamp8_with_tz,TIMESTAMP8_WITH_TZ_utc as timestamp8_with_tz_utc,
| TIMESTAMP0_WITH_LTZ as timestamp0_with_ltz,TIMESTAMP0_WITH_LTZ_utc as timestamp0_with_ltz_utc,
| TIMESTAMP5_WITH_LTZ as timestamp5_with_ltz,TIMESTAMP5_WITH_LTZ_utc as timestamp5_with_ltz_utc,
| TIMESTAMP8_WITH_LTZ as timestamp8_with_ltz,TIMESTAMP8_WITH_LTZ_utc as timestamp8_with_ltz_utc
| from __source__
.targetJDBC(objectName = "pgdb.ora_to_postgres", params=targetParams, saveMode=SaveMode.Overwrite)
21/05/04 17:35:50 INFO targetjdbc.JDBCtoJDBC: Executing source sql query:
to_char(sys_extract_utc(systimestamp), 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS.FF') as ingest_ts_utc,
to_char(TIMESTAMP_0, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS.FF') as timestamp_0,
to_char(TIMESTAMP_5, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS.FF') as timestamp_5,
to_char(TIMESTAMP_7, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS.FF') as timestamp_7,
to_char(TIMESTAMP_9, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS.FF') as timestamp_9,
to_char(TIMESTAMP0_WITH_TZ) as timestamp0_with_tz , to_char(sys_extract_utc(TIMESTAMP0_WITH_TZ), 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') as timestamp0_with_tz_utc,
to_char(TIMESTAMP5_WITH_TZ) as timestamp5_with_tz , to_char(sys_extract_utc(TIMESTAMP5_WITH_TZ), 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS.FF') as timestamp5_with_tz_utc,
to_char(TIMESTAMP8_WITH_TZ) as timestamp8_with_tz , to_char(sys_extract_utc(TIMESTAMP8_WITH_TZ), 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS.FF') as timestamp8_with_tz_utc
21/05/04 17:35:50 INFO targetjdbc.JDBCtoJDBC: Data is saved as a temporary table by name: __source__
21/05/04 17:35:50 INFO targetjdbc.JDBCtoJDBC: showing saved data from temporary table with name: __source__
|2021-05-04 17:35:50.620944|2021-04-07 15:15:16.0|2021-04-07 15:15:16.03356|2021-04-07 15:15:16.0335610|2021-04-07 15:15:16.033561000|07-APR-21 03.15.16 PM ASIA/CALCUTTA|2021-04-07 09:45:16 |07-APR-21 PM ASIA/CALCUTTA|2021-04-07 09:45:16.03356|07-APR-21 PM ASIA/CALCUTTA|2021-04-07 09:45:16.03356100|
|2021-05-04 17:35:50.620944|2021-04-07 15:16:51.6|2021-04-07 15:16:51.60911|2021-04-07 15:16:51.6091090|2021-04-07 15:16:51.609109000|07-APR-21 03.16.52 PM ASIA/CALCUTTA|2021-04-07 09:46:52 |07-APR-21 PM ASIA/CALCUTTA|2021-04-07 09:46:51.60911|07-APR-21 PM ASIA/CALCUTTA|2021-04-07 09:46:51.60910900|
21/05/04 17:35:50 INFO targetjdbc.JDBCtoJDBC: Data after transformation using the SQL :
TO_TIMESTAMP(ingest_ts_utc) as ingest_ts_utc,
TIMESTAMP_0 as timestamp_0,
TIMESTAMP_5 as timestamp_5,
TIMESTAMP_7 as timestamp_7,
TIMESTAMP_9 as timestamp_9,
TIMESTAMP0_WITH_TZ as timestamp0_with_tz,TIMESTAMP0_WITH_TZ_utc as timestamp0_with_tz_utc,
TIMESTAMP5_WITH_TZ as timestamp5_with_tz,TIMESTAMP5_WITH_TZ_utc as timestamp5_with_tz_utc,
TIMESTAMP8_WITH_TZ as timestamp8_with_tz,TIMESTAMP8_WITH_TZ_utc as timestamp8_with_tz_utc
from __source__
|ingest_ts_utc |timestamp_0 |timestamp_5 |timestamp_7 |timestamp_9 |timestamp0_with_tz |timestamp0_with_tz_utc|timestamp5_with_tz |timestamp5_with_tz_utc |timestamp8_with_tz |timestamp8_with_tz_utc |
|2021-05-04 17:35:50.818643|2021-04-07 15:15:16.0|2021-04-07 15:15:16.03356|2021-04-07 15:15:16.0335610|2021-04-07 15:15:16.033561000|07-APR-21 03.15.16 PM ASIA/CALCUTTA|2021-04-07 09:45:16 |07-APR-21 PM ASIA/CALCUTTA|2021-04-07 09:45:16.03356|07-APR-21 PM ASIA/CALCUTTA|2021-04-07 09:45:16.03356100|
|2021-05-04 17:35:50.818643|2021-04-07 15:16:51.6|2021-04-07 15:16:51.60911|2021-04-07 15:16:51.6091090|2021-04-07 15:16:51.609109000|07-APR-21 03.16.52 PM ASIA/CALCUTTA|2021-04-07 09:46:52 |07-APR-21 PM ASIA/CALCUTTA|2021-04-07 09:46:51.60911|07-APR-21 PM ASIA/CALCUTTA|2021-04-07 09:46:51.60910900|
21/05/04 17:35:50 INFO targetjdbc.JDBCtoJDBC: Writing data to target table: pgdb.ora_to_postgres
21/05/04 17:35:56 INFO targetjdbc.JDBCtoJDBC: Showing data in target table : pgdb.ora_to_postgres
|ingest_ts_utc |timestamp_0 |timestamp_5 |timestamp_7 |timestamp_9 |timestamp0_with_tz |timestamp0_with_tz_utc|timestamp5_with_tz |timestamp5_with_tz_utc |timestamp8_with_tz |timestamp8_with_tz_utc |
|2021-05-04 17:35:52.709503|2021-04-07 15:15:16.0|2021-04-07 15:15:16.03356|2021-04-07 15:15:16.0335610|2021-04-07 15:15:16.033561000|07-APR-21 03.15.16 PM ASIA/CALCUTTA|2021-04-07 09:45:16 |07-APR-21 PM ASIA/CALCUTTA|2021-04-07 09:45:16.03356|07-APR-21 PM ASIA/CALCUTTA|2021-04-07 09:45:16.03356100|
|2021-05-04 17:35:52.709503|2021-04-07 15:16:51.6|2021-04-07 15:16:51.60911|2021-04-07 15:16:51.6091090|2021-04-07 15:16:51.609109000|07-APR-21 03.16.52 PM ASIA/CALCUTTA|2021-04-07 09:46:52 |07-APR-21 PM ASIA/CALCUTTA|2021-04-07 09:46:51.60911|07-APR-21 PM ASIA/CALCUTTA|2021-04-07 09:46:51.60910900|
More connectors from other JDBC sources to JDBC destination are avaialble here.
import com.github.edge.roman.spear.SpearConnector
import org.apache.log4j.{Level, Logger}
import org.apache.spark.sql.types.{StringType, StructField, StructType}
import org.apache.spark.sql.{DataFrame, SaveMode, SparkSession}
val targetParams = Map(
"driver" -> "org.postgresql.Driver",
"user" -> "postgres_user",
"password" -> "mysecretpassword",
"url" -> "jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/pgdb"
val streamTOPostgres=SpearConnector
.source(sourceType = "stream",sourceFormat = "kafka")
.target(targetType = "relational",targetFormat = "jdbc")
val schema = StructType(
Array(StructField("id", StringType),
StructField("name", StringType)
.source(sourceObject = "stream_topic",Map("kafka.bootstrap.servers"-> "kafka:9092","failOnDataLoss"->"true","startingOffsets"-> "earliest"),schema)
.transformSql("select cast (id as INT) as id, name from __tmp2__")
.targetJDBC(objectName="person", params=targetParams, SaveMode.Append)
import com.github.edge.roman.spear.SpearConnector
import org.apache.spark.sql.SaveMode
import org.apache.log4j.{Level, Logger}
import java.util.Properties
val postgresToHiveConnector = SpearConnector
.source(sourceType = "relational", sourceFormat = "jdbc")
.target(targetType = "FS", targetFormat = "parquet")
.source("source_db.instance", Map("driver" -> "org.postgresql.Driver", "user" -> "postgres", "password" -> "test", "url" -> "jdbc:postgresql://postgres-host:5433/source_db"))
|select cast( uuid as string) as uuid,
|cast( type_id as bigint ) as type_id,
|cast( factory_message_process_id as bigint) as factory_message_process_id,
|cast( factory_uuid as string ) as factory_uuid,
|cast( factory_id as bigint ) as factory_id,
|cast( engine_id as bigint ) as engine_id,
|cast( topic as string ) as topic,
|cast( status_code_id as int) as status_code_id,
|cast( cru_by as string ) as cru_by,cast( cru_ts as timestamp) as cru_ts
|from __tmp__""".stripMargin)
.targetFS(destinationFilePath = "/tmp/ingest_test.db", saveAsTable = "ingest_test.postgres_data", saveMode=SaveMode.Overwrite)
21/05/01 10:39:20 INFO targetFS.JDBCtoFS: Reading source data from table: source_db.instance
|uuid |type_id |factory_message_process_id |factory_uuid |factory_id | engine_id |topic |status_code_id|cru_by|cru_ts |
|null |1 |1619518657679 |b218b4a2-2723-4a51-a83b-1d9e5e1c79ff|2 |2 |factory_2_2 |5 |ABCDE |2021-04-27 10:17:37.529195|
|null |1 |1619518657481 |ec65395c-fdbc-4697-ac91-bc72447ae7cf|1 |1 |factory_1_1 |5 |ABCDE |2021-04-27 10:17:37.533318|
|null |1 |1619518658043 |5ef4bcb3-f064-4532-ad4f-5e8b68c33f70|3 |3 |factory_3_3 |5 |ABCDE |2021-04-27 10:17:37.535323|
|59d9b23e-ff93-4351-af7e-0a95ec4fde65|10 |1619518657481 |ec65395c-fdbc-4697-ac91-bc72447ae7cf|1 |1 |bale_1_authtoken |5 |ABCDE |2021-04-27 10:17:50.441147|
|111eeff6-c61d-402e-9e70-615cf80d3016|10 |1619518657679 |b218b4a2-2723-4a51-a83b-1d9e5e1c79ff|2 |2 |bale_2_authtoken |5 |ABCDE |2021-04-27 10:18:02.439379|
|2870ff43-73c9-424e-9f3c-c89ac4dda278|10 |1619518658043 |5ef4bcb3-f064-4532-ad4f-5e8b68c33f70|3 |3 |bale_3_authtoken |5 |ABCDE |2021-04-27 10:18:14.5242 |
|58fe7575-9c4f-471e-8893-9bc39b4f1be4|18 |1619518658043 |5ef4bcb3-f064-4532-ad4f-5e8b68c33f70|3 |3 |bale_3_error |5 |ABCDE |2021-04-27 10:21:17.098984|
|534a2af0-af74-4633-8603-926070afd76f|16 |1619518657679 |b218b4a2-2723-4a51-a83b-1d9e5e1c79ff|2 |2 |bale_2_filter_resolver_jdbc|5 |ABCDE |2021-04-27 10:21:17.223042|
|9971130b-9ae1-4a53-89ce-aa1932534956|18 |1619518657481 |ec65395c-fdbc-4697-ac91-bc72447ae7cf|1 |1 |bale_1_error |5 |ABCDE |2021-04-27 10:21:17.437489|
|6db9c72f-85b0-4254-bc2f-09dc1e63e6f3|9 |1619518657481 |ec65395c-fdbc-4697-ac91-bc72447ae7cf|1 |1 |bale_1_flowcontroller |5 |ABCDE |2021-04-27 10:21:17.780313|
only showing top 10 rows
21/05/01 10:39:31 INFO targetFS.JDBCtoFS: Data is saved as a temporary table by name: __tmp__
21/05/01 10:39:31 INFO targetFS.JDBCtoFS: showing saved data from temporary table with name: __tmp__
|uuid |type_id |factory_message_process_id |factory_uuid |factory_id | engine_id |topic |status_code_id|cru_by|cru_ts |
|null |1 |1619518657679 |b218b4a2-2723-4a51-a83b-1d9e5e1c79ff|2 |2 |factory_2_2 |5 |ABCDE |2021-04-27 10:17:37.529195|
|null |1 |1619518657481 |ec65395c-fdbc-4697-ac91-bc72447ae7cf|1 |1 |factory_1_1 |5 |ABCDE |2021-04-27 10:17:37.533318|
|null |1 |1619518658043 |5ef4bcb3-f064-4532-ad4f-5e8b68c33f70|3 |3 |factory_3_3 |5 |ABCDE |2021-04-27 10:17:37.535323|
|59d9b23e-ff93-4351-af7e-0a95ec4fde65|10 |1619518657481 |ec65395c-fdbc-4697-ac91-bc72447ae7cf|1 |1 |bale_1_authtoken |5 |ABCDE |2021-04-27 10:17:50.441147|
|111eeff6-c61d-402e-9e70-615cf80d3016|10 |1619518657679 |b218b4a2-2723-4a51-a83b-1d9e5e1c79ff|2 |2 |bale_2_authtoken |5 |ABCDE |2021-04-27 10:18:02.439379|
|2870ff43-73c9-424e-9f3c-c89ac4dda278|10 |1619518658043 |5ef4bcb3-f064-4532-ad4f-5e8b68c33f70|3 |3 |bale_3_authtoken |5 |ABCDE |2021-04-27 10:18:14.5242 |
|58fe7575-9c4f-471e-8893-9bc39b4f1be4|18 |1619518658043 |5ef4bcb3-f064-4532-ad4f-5e8b68c33f70|3 |3 |bale_3_error |5 |ABCDE |2021-04-27 10:21:17.098984|
|534a2af0-af74-4633-8603-926070afd76f|16 |1619518657679 |b218b4a2-2723-4a51-a83b-1d9e5e1c79ff|2 |2 |bale_2_filter_resolver_jdbc|5 |ABCDE |2021-04-27 10:21:17.223042|
|9971130b-9ae1-4a53-89ce-aa1932534956|18 |1619518657481 |ec65395c-fdbc-4697-ac91-bc72447ae7cf|1 |1 |bale_1_error |5 |ABCDE |2021-04-27 10:21:17.437489|
|6db9c72f-85b0-4254-bc2f-09dc1e63e6f3|9 |1619518657481 |ec65395c-fdbc-4697-ac91-bc72447ae7cf|1 |1 |bale_1_flowcontroller |5 |ABCDE |2021-04-27 10:21:17.780313|
only showing top 10 rows
21/05/01 10:39:33 INFO targetFS.JDBCtoFS: Data after transformation using the SQL :
select cast( uuid as string) as uuid,
cast( type_id as bigint ) as type_id,
cast( factory_message_process_id as bigint) as factory_message_process_id,
cast( factory_uuid as string ) as factory_uuid,
cast( factory_id as bigint ) as factory_id,
cast( workflow_engine_id as bigint ) as workflow_engine_id,
cast( topic as string ) as topic,
cast( status_code_id as int) as status_code_id,
cast( cru_by as string ) as cru_by,cast( cru_ts as timestamp) as cru_ts
from __tmp__
|uuid |type_id|factory_message_process_id |factory_uuid |factory_id |engine_id |topic |status_code_id|cru_by|cru_ts |
|null |1 |1619518657679 |b218b4a2-2723-4a51-a83b-1d9e5e1c79ff|2 |2 |factory_2_2 |5 |ABCDE |2021-04-27 10:17:37.529195|
|null |1 |1619518657481 |ec65395c-fdbc-4697-ac91-bc72447ae7cf|1 |1 |factory_1_1 |5 |ABCDE |2021-04-27 10:17:37.533318|
|null |1 |1619518658043 |5ef4bcb3-f064-4532-ad4f-5e8b68c33f70|3 |3 |factory_3_3 |5 |ABCDE |2021-04-27 10:17:37.535323|
|59d9b23e-ff93-4351-af7e-0a95ec4fde65|10 |1619518657481 |ec65395c-fdbc-4697-ac91-bc72447ae7cf|1 |1 |bale_1_authtoken |5 |ABCDE |2021-04-27 10:17:50.441147|
|111eeff6-c61d-402e-9e70-615cf80d3016|10 |1619518657679 |b218b4a2-2723-4a51-a83b-1d9e5e1c79ff|2 |2 |bale_2_authtoken |5 |ABCDE |2021-04-27 10:18:02.439379|
|2870ff43-73c9-424e-9f3c-c89ac4dda278|10 |1619518658043 |5ef4bcb3-f064-4532-ad4f-5e8b68c33f70|3 |3 |bale_3_authtoken |5 |ABCDE |2021-04-27 10:18:14.5242 |
|58fe7575-9c4f-471e-8893-9bc39b4f1be4|18 |1619518658043 |5ef4bcb3-f064-4532-ad4f-5e8b68c33f70|3 |3 |bale_3_error |5 |ABCDE |2021-04-27 10:21:17.098984|
|534a2af0-af74-4633-8603-926070afd76f|16 |1619518657679 |b218b4a2-2723-4a51-a83b-1d9e5e1c79ff|2 |2 |bale_2_filter_resolver_jdbc|5 |ABCDE |2021-04-27 10:21:17.223042|
|9971130b-9ae1-4a53-89ce-aa1932534956|18 |1619518657481 |ec65395c-fdbc-4697-ac91-bc72447ae7cf|1 |1 |bale_1_error |5 |ABCDE |2021-04-27 10:21:17.437489|
|6db9c72f-85b0-4254-bc2f-09dc1e63e6f3|9 |1619518657481 |ec65395c-fdbc-4697-ac91-bc72447ae7cf|1 |1 |bale_1_flowcontroller |5 |ABCDE |2021-04-27 10:21:17.780313|
only showing top 10 rows
21/05/01 10:39:35 INFO targetFS.JDBCtoFS: Writing data to target file: /tmp/ingest_test.db
21/05/01 10:39:35 INFO targetFS.JDBCtoFS: Saving data to table:ingest_test.postgres_data
21/05/01 10:39:35 INFO targetFS.JDBCtoFS: Target Data in table:ingest_test.postgres_data
|uuid |type_id |factory_message_process_id |factory_uuid |factory_id | engine_id |topic |status_code_id|cru_by|cru_ts |
|null |1 |1619518657679 |b218b4a2-2723-4a51-a83b-1d9e5e1c79ff|2 |2 |factory_2_2 |5 |ABCDE |2021-04-27 10:17:37.529195|
|null |1 |1619518657481 |ec65395c-fdbc-4697-ac91-bc72447ae7cf|1 |1 |factory_1_1 |5 |ABCDE |2021-04-27 10:17:37.533318|
|null |1 |1619518658043 |5ef4bcb3-f064-4532-ad4f-5e8b68c33f70|3 |3 |factory_3_3 |5 |ABCDE |2021-04-27 10:17:37.535323|
|59d9b23e-ff93-4351-af7e-0a95ec4fde65|10 |1619518657481 |ec65395c-fdbc-4697-ac91-bc72447ae7cf|1 |1 |bale_1_authtoken |5 |ABCDE |2021-04-27 10:17:50.441147|
|111eeff6-c61d-402e-9e70-615cf80d3016|10 |1619518657679 |b218b4a2-2723-4a51-a83b-1d9e5e1c79ff|2 |2 |bale_2_authtoken |5 |ABCDE |2021-04-27 10:18:02.439379|
|2870ff43-73c9-424e-9f3c-c89ac4dda278|10 |1619518658043 |5ef4bcb3-f064-4532-ad4f-5e8b68c33f70|3 |3 |bale_3_authtoken |5 |ABCDE |2021-04-27 10:18:14.5242 |
|58fe7575-9c4f-471e-8893-9bc39b4f1be4|18 |1619518658043 |5ef4bcb3-f064-4532-ad4f-5e8b68c33f70|3 |3 |bale_3_error |5 |ABCDE |2021-04-27 10:21:17.098984|
|534a2af0-af74-4633-8603-926070afd76f|16 |1619518657679 |b218b4a2-2723-4a51-a83b-1d9e5e1c79ff|2 |2 |bale_2_filter_resolver_jdbc|5 |ABCDE |2021-04-27 10:21:17.223042|
|9971130b-9ae1-4a53-89ce-aa1932534956|18 |1619518657481 |ec65395c-fdbc-4697-ac91-bc72447ae7cf|1 |1 |bale_1_error |5 |ABCDE |2021-04-27 10:21:17.437489|
|6db9c72f-85b0-4254-bc2f-09dc1e63e6f3|9 |1619518657481 |ec65395c-fdbc-4697-ac91-bc72447ae7cf|1 |1 |bale_1_flowcontroller |5 |ABCDE |2021-04-27 10:21:17.780313|
only showing top 10 rows
More connectors to target FileSystem HDFS are avaialable here.
import com.github.edge.roman.spear.SpearConnector
import org.apache.log4j.{Level, Logger}
import org.apache.spark.sql.types.{StringType, StructField, StructType}
import org.apache.spark.sql.{DataFrame, SaveMode, SparkSession}
val streamTOHdfs=SpearConnector
.source(sourceType = "stream",sourceFormat = "kafka")
.target(targetType = "FS",targetFormat = "parquet")
val schema = StructType(
Array(StructField("id", StringType),
StructField("name", StringType)
.source(sourceObject = "stream_topic",Map("kafka.bootstrap.servers"-> "kafka:9092","failOnDataLoss"->"true","startingOffsets"-> "earliest"),schema)
.transformSql("select cast (id as INT), name as __tmp2__")
.targetFS(destinationFilePath = "/tmp/ingest_test.db", saveAsTable = "ingest_test.ora_data", saveMode=SaveMode.Append)
import com.github.edge.roman.spear.SpearConnector
import org.apache.log4j.{Level, Logger}
import org.apache.spark.sql.SaveMode
spark.sparkContext.hadoopConfiguration.set("fs.s3a.access.key", "*****")
spark.sparkContext.hadoopConfiguration.set("fs.s3a.secret.key", "*****")
val oracleTOS3Connector = SpearConnector
.source(sourceType = "relational", sourceFormat = "jdbc")
.target(targetType = "FS", targetFormat = "parquet")
.sourceSql(Map("driver" -> "oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver", "user" -> "user", "password" -> "pass", "url" -> "jdbc:oracle:thin:@ora-host:1521:orcl"),
| to_char(sys_extract_utc(systimestamp), 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS.FF') as ingest_ts_utc,
| to_char(TIMESTAMP_0, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS.FF') as timestamp_0,
| to_char(TIMESTAMP_5, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS.FF') as timestamp_5,
| to_char(TIMESTAMP_7, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS.FF') as timestamp_7,
| to_char(TIMESTAMP_9, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS.FF') as timestamp_9,
| to_char(TIMESTAMP0_WITH_TZ) as timestamp0_with_tz , to_char(sys_extract_utc(TIMESTAMP0_WITH_TZ), 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') as timestamp0_with_tz_utc,
| to_char(TIMESTAMP5_WITH_TZ) as timestamp5_with_tz , to_char(sys_extract_utc(TIMESTAMP5_WITH_TZ), 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS.FF') as timestamp5_with_tz_utc,
| to_char(TIMESTAMP8_WITH_TZ) as timestamp8_with_tz , to_char(sys_extract_utc(TIMESTAMP8_WITH_TZ), 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS.FF') as timestamp8_with_tz_utc
| TO_TIMESTAMP(ingest_ts_utc) as ingest_ts_utc,
| TIMESTAMP_0 as timestamp_0,
| TIMESTAMP_5 as timestamp_5,
| TIMESTAMP_7 as timestamp_7,
| TIMESTAMP_9 as timestamp_9,
| TIMESTAMP0_WITH_TZ as timestamp0_with_tz,TIMESTAMP0_WITH_TZ_utc as timestamp0_with_tz_utc,
| TIMESTAMP5_WITH_TZ as timestamp5_with_tz,TIMESTAMP5_WITH_TZ_utc as timestamp5_with_tz_utc,
| TIMESTAMP8_WITH_TZ as timestamp8_with_tz,TIMESTAMP8_WITH_TZ_utc as timestamp8_with_tz_utc
| from __source__
.targetFS(destinationFilePath="s3a://destination/data", saveMode=SaveMode.Overwrite)
21/05/08 08:46:11 INFO targetFS.JDBCtoFS: Executing source sql query:
to_char(sys_extract_utc(systimestamp), 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS.FF') as ingest_ts_utc,
to_char(TIMESTAMP_0, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS.FF') as timestamp_0,
to_char(TIMESTAMP_5, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS.FF') as timestamp_5,
to_char(TIMESTAMP_7, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS.FF') as timestamp_7,
to_char(TIMESTAMP_9, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS.FF') as timestamp_9,
to_char(TIMESTAMP0_WITH_TZ) as timestamp0_with_tz , to_char(sys_extract_utc(TIMESTAMP0_WITH_TZ), 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') as timestamp0_with_tz_utc,
to_char(TIMESTAMP5_WITH_TZ) as timestamp5_with_tz , to_char(sys_extract_utc(TIMESTAMP5_WITH_TZ), 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS.FF') as timestamp5_with_tz_utc,
to_char(TIMESTAMP8_WITH_TZ) as timestamp8_with_tz , to_char(sys_extract_utc(TIMESTAMP8_WITH_TZ), 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS.FF') as timestamp8_with_tz_utc
21/05/08 08:46:11 INFO targetFS.JDBCtoFS: Data is saved as a temporary table by name: __source__
21/05/08 08:46:11 INFO targetFS.JDBCtoFS: Showing saved data from temporary table with name: __source__
|2021-05-08 08:46:12.178719|2021-04-07 15:15:16.0|2021-04-07 15:15:16.03356|2021-04-07 15:15:16.0335610|2021-04-07 15:15:16.033561000|07-APR-21 03.15.16 PM ASIA/CALCUTTA|2021-04-07 09:45:16 |07-APR-21 PM ASIA/CALCUTTA|2021-04-07 09:45:16.03356|07-APR-21 PM ASIA/CALCUTTA|2021-04-07 09:45:16.03356100|
|2021-05-08 08:46:12.178719|2021-04-07 15:16:51.6|2021-04-07 15:16:51.60911|2021-04-07 15:16:51.6091090|2021-04-07 15:16:51.609109000|07-APR-21 03.16.52 PM ASIA/CALCUTTA|2021-04-07 09:46:52 |07-APR-21 PM ASIA/CALCUTTA|2021-04-07 09:46:51.60911|07-APR-21 PM ASIA/CALCUTTA|2021-04-07 09:46:51.60910900|
21/05/08 08:46:12 INFO targetFS.JDBCtoFS: Data after transformation using the SQL :
TO_TIMESTAMP(ingest_ts_utc) as ingest_ts_utc,
TIMESTAMP_0 as timestamp_0,
TIMESTAMP_5 as timestamp_5,
TIMESTAMP_7 as timestamp_7,
TIMESTAMP_9 as timestamp_9,
TIMESTAMP0_WITH_TZ as timestamp0_with_tz,TIMESTAMP0_WITH_TZ_utc as timestamp0_with_tz_utc,
TIMESTAMP5_WITH_TZ as timestamp5_with_tz,TIMESTAMP5_WITH_TZ_utc as timestamp5_with_tz_utc,
TIMESTAMP8_WITH_TZ as timestamp8_with_tz,TIMESTAMP8_WITH_TZ_utc as timestamp8_with_tz_utc
from __source__
|ingest_ts_utc |timestamp_0 |timestamp_5 |timestamp_7 |timestamp_9 |timestamp0_with_tz |timestamp0_with_tz_utc|timestamp5_with_tz |timestamp5_with_tz_utc |timestamp8_with_tz |timestamp8_with_tz_utc |
|2021-05-08 08:46:12.438578|2021-04-07 15:15:16.0|2021-04-07 15:15:16.03356|2021-04-07 15:15:16.0335610|2021-04-07 15:15:16.033561000|07-APR-21 03.15.16 PM ASIA/CALCUTTA|2021-04-07 09:45:16 |07-APR-21 PM ASIA/CALCUTTA|2021-04-07 09:45:16.03356|07-APR-21 PM ASIA/CALCUTTA|2021-04-07 09:45:16.03356100|
|2021-05-08 08:46:12.438578|2021-04-07 15:16:51.6|2021-04-07 15:16:51.60911|2021-04-07 15:16:51.6091090|2021-04-07 15:16:51.609109000|07-APR-21 03.16.52 PM ASIA/CALCUTTA|2021-04-07 09:46:52 |07-APR-21 PM ASIA/CALCUTTA|2021-04-07 09:46:51.60911|07-APR-21 PM ASIA/CALCUTTA|2021-04-07 09:46:51.60910900|
21/05/08 08:46:12 INFO targetFS.JDBCtoFS: Writing data to target path: s3a://destination/data
21/05/08 08:47:06 INFO targetFS.JDBCtoFS: Saving data to path:s3a://destination/data
Data at S3:
user@node:~$ aws s3 ls s3://destination/data
2021-05-08 12:10:09 0 _SUCCESS
2021-05-08 12:09:59 4224 part-00000-71fad52e-404d-422c-a6af-7889691bc506-c000.snappy.parquet
More connectors to target FileSystem Cloud (s3/gcs/adls..ect) are avaialable here.
import com.github.edge.roman.spear.SpearConnector
import org.apache.log4j.{Level, Logger}
import org.apache.spark.sql.SaveMode
val mongoProps = Map(
"uri" -> "mongodb://mongo:27017"
val csvMongoConnector = SpearConnector
.source(sourceType = "file", sourceFormat = "csv")
.target(targetType = "nosql", targetFormat = "mongo")
.source(sourceObject = "file:///opt/spear-framework/data/us-election-2012-results-by-county.csv", Map("header" -> "true", "inferSchema" -> "true"))
"""select state_code,party,
|sum(votes) as total_votes
|from __tmp__
|group by state_code,party""".stripMargin)
.targetNoSQL(objectName = "ingest.csvdata", props = mongoProps, saveMode = SaveMode.Overwrite)
21/05/30 11:18:02 INFO targetNoSQL.FilettoNoSQL: Connector:csv-mongo to Target:NoSQL DB with Format:mongo from Source:file:///opt/spear-framework/data/us-election-2012-results-by-county.csv with Format:csv started running !!
21/05/30 11:18:04 INFO targetNoSQL.FilettoNoSQL: Reading source file: file:///opt/spear-framework/data/us-election-2012-results-by-county.csv with format: csv status:success
|1 |AK |Alasaba |220596 |Dem |Barack |Obama |91696|
|2 |AK |Akaskak |220596 |Dem |Barack |Obama |91696|
|3 |AL |Autauga |23909 |Dem |Barack |Obama |6354 |
|4 |AK |Akaska |220596 |Dem |Barack |Obama |91696|
|5 |AL |Baldwin |84988 |Dem |Barack |Obama |18329|
|6 |AL |Barbour |11459 |Dem |Barack |Obama |5873 |
|7 |AL |Bibb |8391 |Dem |Barack |Obama |2200 |
|8 |AL |Blount |23980 |Dem |Barack |Obama |2961 |
|9 |AL |Bullock |5318 |Dem |Barack |Obama |4058 |
|10 |AL |Butler |9483 |Dem |Barack |Obama |4367 |
only showing top 10 rows
21/05/30 11:18:04 INFO targetNoSQL.FilettoNoSQL: Saving data as temporary table:__tmp__ success
21/05/30 11:18:04 INFO targetNoSQL.FilettoNoSQL: Executing tranformation sql: select state_code,party,
sum(votes) as total_votes
from __tmp__
group by state_code,party status :success
|AL |Dem |793620 |
|NY |GOP |2226637 |
|MI |CST |16792 |
|ID |GOP |420750 |
|ID |Ind |2495 |
|WA |CST |7772 |
|HI |Grn |3121 |
|MS |RP |969 |
|MN |Grn |13045 |
|ID |Dem |212560 |
only showing top 10 rows
21/05/30 11:18:08 INFO targetNoSQL.FilettoNoSQL: Write data to object ingest.csvdata completed with status:success
|AL |Dem |793620 |
|NY |GOP |2226637 |
|MI |CST |16792 |
|ID |GOP |420750 |
|ID |Ind |2495 |
|WA |CST |7772 |
|HI |Grn |3121 |
|MS |RP |969 |
|MN |Grn |13045 |
|ID |Dem |212560 |
only showing top 10 rows
Other connectors with NO-SQL as destination are avaialble here.
Spear framework is also provisioned to write connectors with graph databases as targets from different sources.This section has the example connectors form different source to graph databases.The target properties or options for writing to graph databas as target can be refered from here
import com.github.edge.roman.spear.SpearConnector
import org.apache.log4j.{Level, Logger}
import org.apache.spark.sql.{Column, DataFrame, SaveMode}
val neo4jParams = Map("url" -> "bolt://host:7687",
"authentication.basic.username" -> "neo4j",
"authentication.basic.password" -> "****"
val csvtoNeo4j = SpearConnector
.source("file", "csv")
.target("graph", "neo4j")
.source(sourceObject = "file:///opt/spear-framework/data/FinancialSample.csv", Map("header" -> "true", "inferSchema" -> "true"))
|select Segment,Country,Product
|`Units Sold`,`Manufacturing Price`
|from __STAGE__""".stripMargin)
.targetGraphDB(objectName = "finance", props = neo4jParams, saveMode = SaveMode.Overwrite)
21/06/17 13:03:51 INFO targetGraphDB.FiletoGraphDB: Connector:CSV-to-Neo4j to Target:GraphDB with Format:neo4j from Source:file:///opt/spear-framework/data/FinancialSample.csv with Format:csv started running !!
21/06/17 13:03:51 INFO targetGraphDB.FiletoGraphDB: Reading source file: file:///opt/spear-framework/data/FinancialSample.csv with format: csv status:success
|Segment |Country|Product |Discount Band|Units Sold|Manufacturing Price|Sale Price|Gross Sales |Discounts|Sales |COGS |Profit |Date |Month Number| Month Name |Year|
|Government |Canada | Carretera | None | 1,618.50 |3.0 |20.0 | 32,370.00 | - | 32,370.00 | 16,185.00 | 16,185.00 |1/1/2014 |1 | January |2014|
|Government |Germany| Carretera | None | 1,321.00 |3.0 |20.0 | 26,420.00 | - | 26,420.00 | 13,210.00 | 13,210.00 |1/1/2014 |1 | January |2014|
|Midmarket |France | Carretera | None | 2,178.00 |3.0 |15.0 | 32,670.00 | - | 32,670.00 | 21,780.00 | 10,890.00 |6/1/2014 |6 | June |2014|
|Midmarket |Germany| Carretera | None | 888.00 |3.0 |15.0 | 13,320.00 | - | 13,320.00 | 8,880.00 | 4,440.00 |6/1/2014 |6 | June |2014|
|Midmarket |Mexico | Carretera | None | 2,470.00 |3.0 |15.0 | 37,050.00 | - | 37,050.00 | 24,700.00 | 12,350.00 |6/1/2014 |6 | June |2014|
|Government |Germany| Carretera | None | 1,513.00 |3.0 |350.0 | 529,550.00 | - | 529,550.00 | 393,380.00 | 136,170.00 |12/1/2014|12 | December |2014|
|Midmarket |Germany| Montana | None | 921.00 |5.0 |15.0 | 13,815.00 | - | 13,815.00 | 9,210.00 | 4,605.00 |3/1/2014 |3 | March |2014|
|Channel Partners|Canada | Montana | None | 2,518.00 |5.0 |12.0 | 30,216.00 | - | 30,216.00 | 7,554.00 | 22,662.00 |6/1/2014 |6 | June |2014|
|Government |France | Montana | None | 1,899.00 |5.0 |20.0 | 37,980.00 | - | 37,980.00 | 18,990.00 | 18,990.00 |6/1/2014 |6 | June |2014|
|Channel Partners|Germany| Montana | None | 1,545.00 |5.0 |12.0 | 18,540.00 | - | 18,540.00 | 4,635.00 | 13,905.00 |6/1/2014 |6 | June |2014|
only showing top 10 rows
21/06/17 13:03:51 INFO targetGraphDB.FiletoGraphDB: Saving data as temporary table:__STAGE__ success
21/06/17 13:03:51 INFO targetGraphDB.FiletoGraphDB: Executing transformation sql:
select Segment,Country,Product
`Units Sold`,`Manufacturing Price`
from __STAGE__ status :success
|Segment |Country|Units Sold |Manufacturing Price|
|Government |Canada | Carretera |3.0 |
|Government |Germany| Carretera |3.0 |
|Midmarket |France | Carretera |3.0 |
|Midmarket |Germany| Carretera |3.0 |
|Midmarket |Mexico | Carretera |3.0 |
|Government |Germany| Carretera |3.0 |
|Midmarket |Germany| Montana |5.0 |
|Channel Partners|Canada | Montana |5.0 |
|Government |France | Montana |5.0 |
|Channel Partners|Germany| Montana |5.0 |
only showing top 10 rows
21/06/17 13:03:52 INFO targetGraphDB.FiletoGraphDB: Write data to object:finance completed with status:success
|Segment |Country|Units Sold |Manufacturing Price|
|Government |Canada | Carretera |3.0 |
|Government |Germany| Carretera |3.0 |
|Midmarket |France | Carretera |3.0 |
|Midmarket |Germany| Carretera |3.0 |
|Midmarket |Mexico | Carretera |3.0 |
|Government |Germany| Carretera |3.0 |
|Midmarket |Germany| Montana |5.0 |
|Channel Partners|Canada | Montana |5.0 |
|Government |France | Montana |5.0 |
|Channel Partners|Germany| Montana |5.0 |
only showing top 10 rows
Other connectors with graph db as destination are avaialble here.
This section describes other functionalities which you can use with spear
When you want to merge or join two sources of the same type and then tranform and load the resultant data you can use the executeQuery() function of spear.Below is the example
import com.github.edge.roman.spear.SpearConnector
import org.apache.log4j.{Level, Logger}
import org.apache.spark.sql.SaveMode
val postgresToHiveConnector = SpearConnector
.source(sourceType = "relational", sourceFormat = "jdbc")
.target(targetType = "FS", targetFormat = "parquet")
.source("table1", Map("driver" -> "org.postgresql.Driver", "user" -> "postgres_user", "password" -> "mysecretpassword", "url" -> "jdbc:postgresql://postgres:5432/pgdb"))
.source("table2", Map("driver" -> "org.postgresql.Driver", "user" -> "postgres_user", "password" -> "mysecretpassword", "url" -> "jdbc:postgresql://postgres:5432/pgdb"))
//execute join query between the loaded sources
//tranform sql
.targetFS(destinationFilePath = "/tmp/ingest", saveAsTable = "target", saveMode = SaveMode.Overwrite)
See more detailed explanation about executeQuery AP1 with diagrams here
While using multitarget api make sure you are specifying thet target type while defining destination.
import com.github.edge.roman.spear.SpearConnector
import org.apache.log4j.{Level, Logger}
import java.util.Properties
import org.apache.spark.sql.{Column, DataFrame, SaveMode}
val properties = new Properties()
properties.put("driver", "org.postgresql.Driver")
properties.put("user", "postgres_user")
properties.put("password", "mysecretpassword")
properties.put("url", "jdbc:postgresql://postgres:5432/pgdb")
val mongoProps = new Properties()
mongoProps.put("uri", "mongodb://mongodb:27017")
val csvMultiTargetConnector = SpearConnector
.source(sourceType = "file", sourceFormat = "csv")
.multiTarget //For multi target use multitarget intsead of target and provide the dest-format along with the target definition in the connector logic
.source(sourceObject = "file:///opt/spear-framework/data/us-election-2012-results-by-county.csv", Map("header" -> "true", "inferSchema" -> "true"))
csvMultiTargetConnector.targetFS(destinationFilePath = "", destFormat = "parquet", saveAsTable = "ingest.raw", saveMode = SaveMode.Overwrite) -- //target -1
//target -2
//target -n
See more detailed explanation about multi-destinations with diagrams here
Software Licensed under the Apache License 2.0
Anudeep Konaboina
Kayan Deshi
Watch example connectors from different sources to different targets, visit github page here