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Supply telegram bot - registers supply 'requests'

How to use:

  • create token file with bot token (can be obtained from 'Bot father')
  • optional - create admins file, with admins usernames (each one on different line)
  • to use local app exemplar
    • call ./
  • to use docker container
    • call ./ to create image using Dockerfile, and tag it with katsupplybot
    • call ./ to create and run docker container named KatSupplyBot
      • within that script db file KatSupplyBot.db is mapped to host filesystem (in current directory) so that the results of the work are accessible outside the container
    • p.s.
      • if KatSupplyBot container exists, it can be started again by calling ./
      • you can watch logs by calling docker logs KatSupplyBot

Current commands:

For all users:

  • /add - Add supply request, for instance "/add купить лимон"
  • /list - Show all current requests
  • /close - Close request

Admins only:

  • /shutdown - Shutdown bot instance