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Properties of the B tree

Zbigniew Romanowski edited this page Apr 11, 2018 · 1 revision

Properties of the B-tree

  • Each page holds between k and 2k keys (index elements) except the root page which may hold between 1 and 2k keys.

  • Let the number of keys on a page P, which is not a leaf, be L. Then P has L+1 sons.

  • Within each page P the keys are sequential in increasing order: x1, x2, ... xL, where k <= L <= 2k except for the root page for which 1 <= L <= 2k.

  • Furthermore, P contains (L + 1) pointers P0, P1 ... PL to the sons of P. On leaf pages these pointers are undefined (i.e. null pointers).

  • Let P(pi) be the page to which Pi points, let K(Pi) be the set of keys on the pages of that maximal subtree of which P(Pi) is the root. Then for the B-trees considered here the following conditions shall always hold:

    1. for each y in K(p0) y < xi
    2. for each y in K(pi) xi < y < xi+1 for i = 1,2,...,L-1
    3. for each y in K(pL) xL < y
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