This project aims to build a simple OCR (Optical Character Recognition) system as a learning exercise to understand the basics of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning.
The system allows users to write a single capital letter (A-Z) or number (0-9) in a designated area. The image is then analyzed using a trained model, and the predicted character is displayed in an output box. This interactive system provides a user-friendly way to test the recognition capabilities of the OCR model.
- Flask
- OpenCV
- Matplotlib
- TensorFlow
- Keras
- Pandas
- Numpy
- SciKit-Learn
- Random
- JQuery
- Ajax
- Total Samples: 884,900
- Originally 442,450 samples were duplicated and inversed in color scale, then combined with the original dataset.
- Train-Test Split Ratio: 70-30
- Training Set: 619,429
- Testing Set: 265,470
- Total Parameters: 683,044 (2.61 MB)
- Trainable Parameters: 683,044 (2.61 MB)
- Loss Function: Categorical Cross Entropy
- Optimizer: Adam
- Model Accuracy: 97.94% (0.9794289469718933)
The current OCR model is trained using an Artificial Neural Network (ANN), which may not recognize patterns effectively. For improved accuracy and pattern recognition, the model should be trained using a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN).
- Mr. Sheel Shah
- Mr. Neelotpal Debasis Santra
- Mr. Ronak Manishkumar Parmar