Releases: ronnidc/ui-engine
Version 1.1.1 renamed bundles
Version 1.1.0 Theme feature for working wind several brands
- Add two entry files for each brand
/src/entry.theme.brandname.js, /src/entry.theme.brandname.scss,
- Reference those entry files to
in the sectionentry: { ... }
- Add theme files for each brand here:
- To switch between brands during development you can change the theme class in
and it will change on the fly in your browser. - To build theme bundles and assets to
runnpm run build:themes
Version 1.0.6 fix basepath for exports to subdirectories in production
I HTML ved urler til billeder og ikoner skal der ikke være et forløbende slash
<img src="images/image.jpg" />
Det samme for et icon
<use xlink:href="icons/sprite.svg#logo">
For fonte og billeder i SCSS filer der bliver vi pt. nødt til at bruge en scss variabel $basepath
som så skal justeres, når man laver en export, så den matcher PRODUCTION_BASE_PATH
variablen i config.js.
Ulempen er pt. derfor, at man skal ændre variablen to steder. Jeg har lavet et eksempel hvor jeg har lagt $basepath
i sin egen scss fil /global/styles/setup/_basepath.scss
Man kan evt. sætte BASE_PATH
i config.js til at matche PRODUCTION_BASE_PATH
og $basepath
, så slipper man for at justere $basepath
frem og tilbage, når man skal køre npm run generate
Developer urlen vil så bare ligne production stien. Så i stedet for http://localhost:3000 vil den f.eks. hedde http://localhost:3000/poc/feature-opg-3210/
version 1.0.5 Accordion & google-maps-api
v1.0.5 packages: accordion & google-maps-api
version 1.0.4 change asset directory to /static/
Move fonts, icons, and images from /assets/
to /static/
for better webpack & Nuxt synergy
version 1.0.3a npm script dev:host
change npm script name change dev:ip to dev:host
version 1.0.2 lock dependency versions
v1.0.2 Merge branch 'master' of