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Adds the OpenID Connect identity layer to the PHP League's OAuth2 Server. With Laravel Passport support.


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OpenID Connect

OpenID Connect support to the PHP League's OAuth2 Server.

Compatible with Laravel Passport!



composer require ronvanderheijden/openid-connect


To sign and encrypt the tokens, we need a private and a public key.

mkdir -m 700 -p tmp

openssl genrsa -out tmp/private.key 2048
openssl rsa -in tmp/private.key -pubout -out tmp/public.key

chmod 600 tmp/private.key
chmod 644 tmp/public.key


I recommend to read this first.

To enable OpenID Connect, follow these simple steps

$privateKeyPath = 'tmp/private.key';

$currentRequestService = new CurrentRequestService();

// create the response_type
$responseType = new IdTokenResponse(
    new IdentityRepository(),
    new ClaimExtractor(),
        new Sha256(),

$server = new \League\OAuth2\Server\AuthorizationServer(
    // add the response_type

Now when calling the /authorize endpoint, provide the openid scope to get an id_token.
Provide more scopes (e.g. openid profile email) to receive additional claims in the id_token.

For a complete implementation, visit the OAuth2 Server example.

Nonce support

To prevent replay attacks, some clients can provide a "nonce" in the authorization request. If a client does so, the server MUST include back a nonce claim in the id_token.

To enable this feature, when registering an AuthCodeGrant, you need to use the \OpenIDConnect\Grant\AuthCodeGrant instead of \League\OAuth2\Server\Grant\AuthCodeGrant.

![NOTE] If you are using Laravel, the AuthCodeGrant is already registered for you by the service provider.

Laravel Passport

You can use this package with Laravel Passport in 2 simple steps.

1.) add the service provider

# config/app.php
'providers' => [
     * Package Service Providers...

2.) create an entity

Create an entity class in app/Entities/ named IdentityEntity or UserEntity. This entity is used to collect the claims.

# app/Entities/IdentityEntity.php
namespace App\Entities;

use League\OAuth2\Server\Entities\Traits\EntityTrait;
use OpenIDConnect\Claims\Traits\WithClaims;
use OpenIDConnect\Interfaces\IdentityEntityInterface;

class IdentityEntity implements IdentityEntityInterface
    use EntityTrait;
    use WithClaims;

     * The user to collect the additional information for
    protected User $user;

     * The identity repository creates this entity and provides the user id
     * @param mixed $identifier
    public function setIdentifier($identifier): void
        $this->identifier = $identifier;
        $this->user = User::findOrFail($identifier);

     * When building the id_token, this entity's claims are collected
    public function getClaims(): array
        return [
            'email' => $this->user->email,

Publishing the config

In case you want to change the default scopes, add custom claim sets or change the repositories, you can publish the openid config using:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=openid

Discovery and JWKS

The Laravel Passport integration also provides:

  • a discovery endpoint at /.well-known/openid-configuration.
  • a JWKS endpoint at /oauth/jwks.

Those 2 endpoints are automatically added to the Laravel routes and can be disabled from the config (using the openid.routes.discovery and openid.routes.jwks keys).

Laravel Passport does not provide a userinfo endpoint by default. If you provide one, you can add it to the discovery document by naming the route openid.userinfo.

Route::get('/oauth/userinfo', 'YourController@userinfo')->middleware('xxx')->name('openid.userinfo');


Found a bug? Got a feature request? Create an issue.


OpenID Connect is open source and licensed under the MIT licence.


Adds the OpenID Connect identity layer to the PHP League's OAuth2 Server. With Laravel Passport support.








Contributors 4
