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ronyan edited this page Aug 23, 2021 · 5 revisions

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RPS/PPS: Radar position symbol, Present position symbol

The legend for the PPS symbology is given below:

Data tags

The CAATS display shows tags in four different formats for correlated and uncorrelated radar targets. A leader line is only shown for alpha tags.

Alpha Tags

Line 1: (MEDEVAC Indicator)(ACID)(Weight Category)(Voice Capabilities)(SFI)

  • Weight Category: as defined by the aircrafts flight plan. Displays "-" for light and "+" for heavy.
  • SFI: The special field indicator is an alpha numeric field that is used by some FIRs to pass information for coordination. In the plugin it is implemented as follows: display the second character of the scratchpad if the scratchpad is formatted as "(space)N" or "(space)N(space)REMARKS".

Line 2: (Mode C Altitude)(VMR)(Cleared Alt)(Final Altitude)(GS)(Assigned Speed or Mach)

  • Current mode C altitude readout in 100s of feet.
  • Cleared altitude (shown in orange) prefixed by "C"
    • If current altitude is within 200 feet of the cleared altitude this is automatically suppressed unless extended altitude is toggled on for the data tag
    • If no cleared altitude is set, clr will be displayed and only shown if extended altitude is toggled on

Alpha tags for aircraft not under your jurisdictional control may be reverted to a bravo tag by clicking the ACID.

Bravo Tags

Bravo tags do not have a leader line. Line 1: (MODE C Altitude)(VMR)

Click on a Bravo tag to change it to an alpha tag.

Charlie Tags

Expanded alpha tags that can be displayed


Quick Access Bar (QAB)

Pan, zoom and relocate are static buttons that are not functional (ES allows you to pan and zoom with the mouse wheel and by right click dragging).

The range display shows the horizontal coverage of your radar.

Quick Look (Qck Look)

Opens a submenu where nearby controller CJS can be toggled. The Quick Look function forces tags owned by the selected CJS' to display in the same format as your own jurisdictional targets.