1) git clone
2) cd ng2-ui-auth-example
3) npm i
4) replace '<replace me>' tags from /server/src/config.ts and /client/src/config.ts with your google secret and client id
5) npm start
3) start your browser at localhost:4200
Look at the source to understand more about the inner working of everything, if something is not clear feel free to add an issue and I'll specifically document it.
1) replace '<replace me>' tag from /server/src/config.ts and CAHNGE_ME from /ionic2/src/config.ts with your google secret and client id
2) npm run full:ionic
3) it should start your browser automatically but if not browse to localhost:8100
You can login with username: 'test' password: 'testtest' (it is hardcoded in the server)
Few dependencies that may require more attention:
node-gyp (this is for the bcrypt library for hashing passwords in the server)
for ionic2: cordova and ionic
for ionic2: git