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The docker-compose file creates four containers:

  1. An nginx load balancer
  2. A PHP server
  3. A MariaDB database
  4. A node container

Build and run these images with docker-compose:

docker compose up --build -d

The container will have appropriate volume bindings with ./app.

composer is the dependency manager used for PHP. Install the dependencies on the PHP docker container:

docker compose run --rm php82-service composer install

Do the same for the node dependencies in the node container. Do this after you install the composer dependencies as it mutates packages.json:

docker compose run --rm node-service yarn install --force

Create the database by executing:

docker compose run --rm php82-service symfony console doctrine:database:create

Create the schema with:

docker compose run --rm php82-service symfony console doctrine:migrations:migrate

Build some files needed for the frontend:

docker compose run --rm node-service yarn build

And finally populate the DB with some test data:

docker compose run --rm php82-service symfony console doctrine:fixtures:load

Create a new file .env.local and insert here the testing MOLLIE_API_KEY:

echo MOLLIE_API_KEY=test_................................. > .env.local

The default admin ID is 1, but be wary that each time you run the fixtures, this ID will be incremented because of auto-increment options in the database.

Go to http://localhost:8080/ and you should be greeted by the MijnRood login page.

Local test login data:

Admin level:

  • Name: Admin de Baas
  • E-mail:
  • Password: admin

Group head level:

  • Name: Jan Jansen
  • E-mail:
  • Password: contact
  • Member off: Noorderhaaks
  • Head off: Noorderhaaks

Member level:

  • Name: Henk de Vries
  • E-mail:
  • Password: new_member
  • Member off: Nooderhaaks

Ngrok for local payment testing

  • Register an account at
  • Install the ngrok client using your distributions package manager or
  • Find your authentication token at and register it with your client: ngrok config add-authtoken <YOUR AUTH TOKEN HERE>
  • Start ngrok: ngrok http 8080
  • Set COOKIE_DOMAIN to the domain (without http(s)://) mentioned in the Forwarding row in .env.local: COOKIE_DOMAIN=<YOUR URL HERE>
  • Open the URL mentioned in the Forwarding row instead of localhost:8080.

Server deployment

To deploy updates on the server:

sudo -u deploy -i
docker compose -f docker/prod/docker-compose.yml --env-file .env.local down
git pull
docker compose -f docker/prod/docker-compose.yml --env-file .env.local up --build -d

If there are changed migrations, there is an extra step:

docker compose -f docker/prod/docker-compose.yml --env-file .env.local exec mijnrood_php bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate

Mollie data browser

A very basic ugly system for browsing the information from Mollie can be found at /mollie-admin. This just does raw Mollie api requests and is only available for admins.

Extra configuration

Custom welcome mail

To add a custom welcome email, put the templates (html and plain text) in templates/custom/email. Supported override templates are:

  • welcome.html.twig, welcome.html.txt.twig
  • welcome_support-en.html.twig, welcome_support-en.txt.twig
  • welcome_support-nl.html.twig, welcome_support-nl.txt.twig
  • apply.html.twig, apply.txt.twig
  • fresh_member.txt.twig
  • contact_new_member.html.twig, contact_new_member.txt.twig


You can generate new migrations with:

docker compose run --rm php82-service symfony console doctrine:migrations:diff

Make sure the output is as you expected, and change it if necessary!


This project is licensed under the EUPL, the license text in English can be found in the LICENSE file.

For more information about the EUPL and the license text in other languages, see their website:

Common Issues

  • CSRF Token invalid? Can't login? This is usually caused by an incorrect COOKIE_DOMAIN setting in the environment.