A module that allows users to scrape song lyrics from musixmatch.
- Node.js
npm i rlyrics
const { Rlyrics } = require("rlyrics");
const rlyrics = new Rlyrics();
// Define Query
const query = "Alan walker - Alone"
const url = "https://www.musixmatch.com/lyrics/Alan-Walker-3/Alone"
// #getLyrics Method - Get lyrics of the best result
// #search Method - Search for songs
// #find Method - Get detailed datas of the best result
// Search Result
SearchResult {
title: 'Alone',
artist: 'Alan Walker',
href: '/lyrics/Alan-Walker-3/Alone',
url: 'https://www.musixmatch.com/lyrics/Alan-Walker-3/Alone',
icon: [
SearchResult {
title: 'Alan Walker (I)',
artist: 'RamiKz',
href: '/lyrics/RamiKz/Alan-Walker-I',
url: 'https://www.musixmatch.com/lyrics/RamiKz/Alan-Walker-I',
icon: [
}, ...
// Result
Result {
name: 'Alone',
artist: [
Artist {
name: 'Alan Walker',
url: 'https://www.musixmatch.com/artist/Alan-Walker-3'
icon: 'https://s.mxmcdn.net/images-storage/albums4/0/6/5/4/3/7/36734560_350_350.jpg',
lyrics: 'Lost in your mind\n' +
'I wanna know\n' +
'Am I losing my mind?\n' +
'Never let me go\n' +
'\n' +
'If this night is not forever\n' +
'At least we are together\n' +
'I know I′m not alone\n' +
"I know I'm not alone\n"
- axios
- cheerio