A collection of scripts that I use/have made.
chgvnr.sh - Changes all CPU governors to the one specified
dmenu-common.sh - runs common commands from a file - dmenu_cmds - Each line is a new command
hdmi-on.sh / hdmi-off.sh - Turns my HDMI monitor (my secondary) on and off
i3-lock.sh - locks my screen and turns them off with the -now option
i3-logout.sh - uses dmenu to replicate the i3wm default logout
i3-reload.sh - my pre 4.20 i3wm modular config script
polybar-launch.sh - My polybar launch script
screenshot.sh - takes a screenshot and notifies
chroot.sh - Sets up, and then enters a chroot
common.sh - common snippets shared by multiple scripts
config.sh - A script using fzf or dmenu, jq, and a javascript configuration file to search for, and rapidly pull up configuration files in your editor of choice
cpuoff.sh / cpuon.sh - turns on and off cpu cpucontrol.sh - An extension of the previous two
env.sh - pipes env into sort
hist-search.sh - search your history file for commands