Welcome to the rOpenSci drat repository. This repository contains the latest nightly builds from the master branch of all rOpenSci packages currently on GitHub, along with the development versions of common dependencies, which include many packages from Hadley Wickham.
This allows users to install development versions of our software without specialized functions such as install_github()
, allows
dependencies not hosted on CRAN to still be resolved automatically, and permits the use of update.packages()
To use, simply add
to your existing list of R repos, such as:
options(repos = c("http://packages.ropensci.org", getOption("repos")))
(If you don't have any default CRAN mirrors selected yet by getOption("repos")
, you may want to add one now). You can also include this line in specific install.packages()
install.packages("taxize", repos = c("http://packages.ropensci.org", "http://cran.rstudio.com"))
This is made possible by the excellent tools provided in Dirk Eddelbuettel's drat package and Rich FitzJohn's drat.builder. Nightly
builds are performed using CircleCi and packages are served through an Amazon S3 static site. Configuration details
and scripts necessary for this can be found in our GitHub repo, ropensci/drat. The list of rOpenSci packages included in
on the nightly builds of this repository is automatically generated using ropensci/ropkgs. Once a package has been onboarded to our domain,
there is no need to manually add it here to ensure it is included and updated. The list of third-party packages provided by this repo is found
in packages.txt
This includes the following files:
CI file telling Circle how to build packages (runningbuild.R
) and deploy them (by runningdeploy_S3.R
Main script file for generating the drat repo.deploy_s3.R
deploy to Amazon S3 using cloudyr/aws.s3 package (alpha).parse_s3_logs.R
a script to parse Amazon S3 download logs into the same anonomous download summary csv format provided by RStudio's own CRAN mirror.packages.txt
A plain-text list of third party dependencies provided by the package. Use this script to add additional packages to the repo that are not hosted on rOpenSci GitHub account.
Other files:
a script used bybuild.R
which usesropkgs
to generate a list of all ropensci packages to be added to the drat repo (via writing anropensci.txt
metadata files created bydrat.builder
to avoid rebuilding packages with no new commits.
Please report any issues here.
License: BSD-2