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a variety of fixes to (hopefully) make request body matching better
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- convert the stub body pattern from json to a list if it seems like json
- in body_as_hash change fromJSON to not use FALSE as second param
- #134 in body_as_hash change xml approach to try catch converting xml to a list or return xml as character on error
- in matches method for bodypattern add handling of pattern or request body being NA or NULL and returning false if so
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sckott committed Oct 15, 2024
1 parent fe7826b commit 9b11d08
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Showing 7 changed files with 233 additions and 21 deletions.
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions NAMESPACE
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -64,3 +64,5 @@ importFrom(crul,mock)
75 changes: 68 additions & 7 deletions R/RequestPattern.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -131,7 +131,11 @@ RequestPattern <- R6::R6Class(
gsub("^\\s+|\\s+$", "", paste(
if (!is.null(self$body_pattern)) paste0(" with body ", self$body_pattern$to_s()),
if (!is.null(self$body_pattern)) {
if (!is.null(self$body_pattern$pattern)) {
paste0(" with body ", self$body_pattern$to_s())
if (!is.null(self$headers_pattern)) paste0(" with headers ", self$headers_pattern$to_s())
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -319,6 +323,11 @@ HeadersPattern <- R6::R6Class(

seems_like_json <- function(x) {
res <- tryCatch(jsonlite::fromJSON(x), error = function(msg) msg)
!inherits(res, "error")

#' @title BodyPattern
#' @description body matcher
#' @export
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -408,8 +417,14 @@ BodyPattern <- R6::R6Class(
} else {
self$pattern <- pattern

# convert self$pattern to a list if it's json
if (seems_like_json(self$pattern)) {
self$pattern <- jsonlite::fromJSON(self$pattern)

#' @importFrom rlang is_null is_na
#' @description Match a request body pattern against a pattern
#' @param body (list) the body
#' @param content_type (character) content type
Expand All @@ -419,10 +434,21 @@ BodyPattern <- R6::R6Class(
if (length(self$pattern) == 0) {
private$matching_hashes(self$pattern, private$body_as_hash(body, content_type))
private$body_as_hash(body, content_type)
} else {
# FIXME: add partial approach later
(private$empty_string(self$pattern) && private$empty_string(body)) || all(self$pattern == body)
(private$empty_string(self$pattern) && private$empty_string(body)) || {
if (xor(is_na(self$pattern), is_na(body))) {
if (xor(is_null(self$pattern), is_null(body))) {
all(self$pattern == body)

Expand All @@ -432,10 +458,10 @@ BodyPattern <- R6::R6Class(
private = list(
empty_string = function(string) {
is.null(string) || !nzchar(string)
is_null(string) || !nzchar(string)
matching_hashes = function(pattern, body) {
if (is.null(pattern)) {
if (is_null(pattern)) {
if (!inherits(pattern, "list")) {
Expand All @@ -444,6 +470,7 @@ BodyPattern <- R6::R6Class(

pattern_char <- rapply(pattern, as.character, how = "replace")
body_char <- rapply(body, as.character, how = "replace")

if (self$partial) {
names_values_check <- switch(self$partial_type,
# unname() here not needed for R < 4.5, but is needed for R 4.5
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -471,10 +498,21 @@ BodyPattern <- R6::R6Class(
if (inherits(body, "form_file")) body <- unclass(body)
bctype <- BODY_FORMATS[[content_type]] %||% ""
if (bctype == "json") {
jsonlite::fromJSON(body, FALSE)
} else if (bctype == "xml") {
try_xml2list <- rlang::try_fetch({
body_xml <- xml2::read_xml(body)
xml_as_list <- xml2::as_list(body_xml)
lapply(xml_as_list, promote_attr)
}, error = function(e) e)
if (rlang::is_error(try_xml2list)) {
rlang::warn("xml to list conversion failed; using xml string for comparison",
use_cli_format = TRUE, .frequency = "always")
} else {
} else {
Expand All @@ -496,6 +534,29 @@ BODY_FORMATS <- list(
"text/plain" = "plain"

# remove_reserved & promote_attr from
remove_reserved <- function(this_attr) {
reserved_attr <- c("class", "comment", "dim", "dimnames", "names", "row.names", "tsp")
if (!any(reserved_attr %in% names(this_attr))) {
for (reserved in reserved_attr) {
if (!is.null(this_attr[[reserved]])) this_attr[[reserved]] <- NULL
promote_attr <- function(ll) {
this_attr <- attributes(ll)
this_attr <- remove_reserved(this_attr)
if (length(ll)) {
# recursive case
c(this_attr, lapply(ll, promote_attr))
} else {
# base case (no sub-items)

#' @title UriPattern
#' @description uri matcher
#' @export
Expand Down
5 changes: 4 additions & 1 deletion R/wi_th.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -25,7 +25,10 @@
#' all will be coerced to character.
#' - body: various, including character string, list, raw, numeric,
#' upload ([crul::upload()], [httr::upload_file()], [curl::form_file()], or
#' [curl::form_data()] they both create the same object in the end)
#' [curl::form_data()] they both create the same object in the end). for the
#' special case of an empty request body use `NA` instead of `NULL` because
#' with `NULL` we can't determine if the user did not supply a body or
#' they supplied `NULL` to indicate an empty body.
#' - headers: (list) a named list
#' - basic_auth: (character) a length two vector, username and password.
#' authentication type (basic/digest/ntlm/etc.) is ignored. that is,
Expand Down
5 changes: 4 additions & 1 deletion man/wi_th.Rd

Some generated files are not rendered by default. Learn more about how customized files appear on GitHub.

9 changes: 3 additions & 6 deletions tests/testthat/test-CrulAdapter.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -192,17 +192,14 @@ test_that("crul requests with JSON-encoded bodies work", {

# encoded body works
res <- cli$post("post", body = body, encode = "json")
expect_is(res, "HttpResponse")
expect_s3_class(res, "HttpResponse")

# encoded but modified body fails
cli$post("post", body = list(foo = "bar1"), encode = "json"),
"Unregistered request"

# unencoded body fails
cli$post("post", body = body),
"Unregistered request"
# unencoded body should work because we serialize internally
expect_s3_class(cli$post("post", body = body), "HttpResponse")
9 changes: 3 additions & 6 deletions tests/testthat/test-HttrAdapter.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -363,17 +363,14 @@ test_that("httr requests with JSON-encoded bodies work", {

# encoded body works
res <- httr::POST(hb("/post"), body = body, encode = "json")
expect_is(res, "response")
expect_s3_class(res, "response")

# encoded but modified body fails
httr::POST(hb("/post"), body = list(foo = "bar1"), encode = "json"),
"Unregistered request"

# unencoded body fails
httr::POST(hb("/post"), body = body),
"Unregistered request"
# unencoded body should work because we serialize internally
expect_s3_class(httr::POST(hb("/post"), body = body), "response")
149 changes: 149 additions & 0 deletions tests/testthat/test-RequestPattern.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -51,6 +51,155 @@ test_that("RequestPattern fails well", {

# BODY PATTERNS: plain text bodies and related
test_that("should match if request body and body pattern are the same", {
aa <- RequestPattern$new(method = "get", uri = hb("/get"), body = "abc")
rs1 <- RequestSignature$new(method = "get", uri = hb("/get"),
options = list(body = "abc"))

test_that("should match if request body and body pattern are the same with multline text", {
multiline_text <- "hello\nworld"
bb <- RequestPattern$new(method = "get", uri = hb("/get"), body = multiline_text)
rs2 <- RequestSignature$new(method = "get", uri = hb("/get"),
options = list(body = multiline_text))

# FIXME: regex in bodies not supported yet
test_that("regex", {})

test_that("should match if pattern is missing body but is in signature", {
cc <- RequestPattern$new(method = "get", uri = hb("/get"))
rs3 <- RequestSignature$new(method = "get", uri = hb("/get"),
options = list(body = "abc"))

test_that("should not match if pattern has body specified as NA but request body is not empty", {
dd <- RequestPattern$new(method = "get", uri = hb("/get"), body = NA)
rs4 <- RequestSignature$new(method = "get", uri = hb("/get"),
options = list(body = "abc"))

test_that("should not match if pattern has body specified as empty string but request body is not empty", {
ee <- RequestPattern$new(method = "get", uri = hb("/get"), body = "")
rs5 <- RequestSignature$new(method = "get", uri = hb("/get"),
options = list(body = "abc"))

test_that("should not match if pattern has body specified but request has no body", {
ff <- RequestPattern$new(method = "get", uri = hb("/get"), body = "abc")
rs6 <- RequestSignature$new(method = "get", uri = hb("/get"))

test_that("should match when pattern body is json or list", {
body_list <- list(
a = "1",
b = "five",
c = list(
d = c("e", "f")

# These should both be TRUE
pattern_as_list <- RequestPattern$new(method = "get", uri = hb("/get"), body = body_list)
rs7 <- RequestSignature$new(method = "get", uri = hb("/get"),
options = list(
headers = list(`Content-Type` = "application/json"),
body = jsonlite::toJSON(body_list, auto_unbox = TRUE)

pattern_as_json <- RequestPattern$new(method = "get", uri = hb("/get"),
body = jsonlite::toJSON(body_list, auto_unbox = TRUE))
rs7 <- RequestSignature$new(method = "get", uri = hb("/get"),
options = list(
headers = list(`Content-Type` = "application/json"),
body = jsonlite::toJSON(body_list, auto_unbox = TRUE)

test_that("should match when pattern body is a list and body is various content types", {
pattern <- RequestPattern$new(method = "get", uri = hb("/get"),
body = list(data = list(a = '1', b = 'five')))
rs_xml <- RequestSignature$new(method = "get", uri = hb("/get"),
options = list(
headers = list(`Content-Type` = "application/xml"),
body = '<data a="1" b="five" />'

xml_employees_text <- '
<employees company="MacroSoft" division="Sales">
<employee empno="7369" ename="SMITH" job="CLERK" hiredate="17-DEC-1980"/>
<employee empno="7499" ename="ALLEN" job="SALESMAN" hiredate="20-FEB-1981"/>
<employees company="MacroSoft" division="Research">
<employee empno="7698" ename="BLAKE" job="MANAGER" hiredate="01-MAY-1981"/>
<employee empno="7782" ename="CLARK" job="MANAGER" hiredate="09-JUN-1981"/>

xml_employees_list <- list(company = list(
employees = list(
company = "MacroSoft", division = "Sales",
employee = list(
empno = "7369", ename = "SMITH", job = "CLERK",
hiredate = "17-DEC-1980"
), employee = list(
empno = "7499",
ename = "ALLEN", job = "SALESMAN", hiredate = "20-FEB-1981"
employees = list(
company = "MacroSoft", division = "Research",
employee = list(
empno = "7698", ename = "BLAKE", job = "MANAGER",
hiredate = "01-MAY-1981"
), employee = list(
empno = "7782",
ename = "CLARK", job = "MANAGER", hiredate = "09-JUN-1981"

pattern2 <- RequestPattern$new(method = "get", uri = hb("/get"),
body = xml_employees_list)
rs_xml2 <- RequestSignature$new(method = "get", uri = hb("/get"),
options = list(
headers = list(`Content-Type` = "application/xml"),
body = xml_employees_text

test_that("should warn when xml parsing fails and fall back to the xml string", {
pattern <- RequestPattern$new(method = "get", uri = hb("/get"),
body = '<data a="1" b="five" />')
rs_xml_parse_fail <- RequestSignature$new(method = "get", uri = hb("/get"),
options = list(
headers = list(`Content-Type` = "application/xml"),
body = '<data a="1" b="five" '
#expect_warning(pattern$matches(rs_xml_parse_fail)) # FIXME: should throw warning

test_that("MethodPattern: structure is correct", {
expect_is(MethodPattern, "R6ClassGenerator")
Expand Down

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