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ROS 2 contribution guide

chapulina edited this page Sep 19, 2019 · 3 revisions

Thank you in advance for contributing to gazebo_ros_pkgs! This guide has some guidelines to help contributors interested in porting Gazebo-ROS code from ROS 1 to ROS 2, as well as contributing new features to the ROS 2 implementation.

Note that this is a guide for contributors - for a guide on how to migrate to use gazebo_ros_pkgs with ROS 2, see the specific guide in the wiki.

These guidelines are meant to make sure that:

  • The plugins are working as expected
  • The code can be maintained for a longer time (by reducing duplication, standardizing style, having tests)
  • Plugins can be easily tested both by newcomers and by experienced users


General contributions

These apply to porting ROS 1 code, as well as contributing new code.

High level

  • Target the latest released branch which the change can be backported to without breaking API, ABI or behaviour. Breaking changes should target the ros2 branch. For example:
    • Add a new publisher to an existing plugin, using features available on Dashing upstream: target dashing
    • Change the definition of a message in gazebo_msgs: target ros2

In the code

  • Follow ROS 2's style guidelines.
  • Use the PIMPL pattern, see for example how the GazeboRosTemplate plugin has a GazeboRosTemplatePrivate class.
  • Avoid using boost, migrate to std types whenever possible, such as std::mutex, std::bind, std::shared_ptr... Boost should only be used when it can't be avoided, like when it comes from Gazebo's API.
  • Use the new conversion functions instead of manually converting types.
  • Use nullptr instead of NULL
  • Use terms that match Gazebo and SDF concepts, i.e.:
    • API that refers to links should use the word "link" instead of "body"
    • API that works for any entity, such as models and lights, should use "entity" instead of "model"


  • Make sure all tests and linters pass, by running colcon test
  • Add a basic test for the plugin. You should be able to start from one of the tests for plugins already ported.


  • Document all functions and member variables, even if they're not documented in ROS 1.
  • Add usage documentation to the header, see the other plugins for examples.
  • Add a demo world with instructions similar to the ones here.

Porting from ROS 1

Do all of the above, plus the following.

High level

  • Delete the old files / parts of files from .ros1_unported

In the code

  • Remove all ifdefs for GAZEBO_MAJOR_VERSION for Gazebo 8 and below.
  • Use gazebo_ros::Node instead of rclcpp::Node, and pass it the sdf::ElementPtr as shown in this example.
  • Double-check if all member variables are actually being used, and need to be held as member variables.
  • Remove <robotNamespace> tags. Instead, use <ros><namespace>.
  • Remove any SDF tags to set topic names, such as <odomTopic>. Instead, use remapping rules like <ros><argument>odom:=custom_odom</argument></ros>.
  • Remove tf_prefix usage, since it is deprecated.
  • Remove <updateRate> tags from sensors, since that can be set directly in the sensor.
  • <gaussianNoise>:
  • When porting messages and services, remove status_message fields, which would be better suited for console logging.


  • Add a migration guide for downstream users to the wiki.