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Recovering failure results

rosaliafx edited this page Dec 3, 2015 · 7 revisions

If one of the tasks fails during the workflow execution it causes the whole workflow to fail. If you want to prevent this behavior for a particular task, you can use RecoverWith helper. Consider we have a version task from the previous topics:

public string Version { get; set; } // passed from Rosalia CLI

protected override void RegisterTasks()
    ITaskFuture<string> getVersionTask = Task(
        new SvnVersionTask
            /* ... */
        .TransformWith(svnVersion => 
            string.Format("1.0.{0}.0", svnVersion.Max.Number)));

and we want to cover the case when SvnVersionTask fails. It would look like this:

public string Version { get; set; } // passed from Rosalia CLI

protected override void RegisterTasks()
    ITaskFuture<string> getVersionTask = Task(
        new SvnVersionTask
            /* ... */
        .TransformWith(svnVersion => 
            string.Format("1.0.{0}.0", svnVersion.Max.Number))
        .RecoverWith(""));          // <---

The value of "" will be used in case of failure. A func can be used instead of concrete value, it could be useful if you have some calculation and want to prevent it from unnesecary evaluation:

public string Version { get; set; } // passed from Rosalia CLI

protected override void RegisterTasks()
    ITaskFuture<string> getVersionTask = Task(
        new SvnVersionTask
            /* ... */
        .TransformWith(svnVersion => 
            string.Format("1.0.{0}.0", svnVersion.Max.Number))
        .RecoverWith(() => {                        // <---
            // some logic here                         <---
            // we want this logic to run               <---
            // only in failure cases, not always       <---
            return "";                       // <---