An improved personal website that will host my coding projects, personal interests, a blog, my art, and my music.
- Music player with controls
- Have a usable mobile experience
- Create scanlines in css
- Create an about me section
- Make a game?
- Create a mailbox
- Remake shrine pages from old site
- Khonjin House Shrine
- LEGO Mega Shrine
- Pikmin Shrine
- Minecraft Shrine
- LISA RPG Shrine
- Make new shrine pages
- Kingdom Hearts Shrine
- Metal Gear Shrine
- Fire Emblem Shrine
- Object Show Shrine
- Total Drama Shrine
- Dragon Ball Shrine
- Make blog page
- Make coding projects pages
- Make art page
- Make music page
- Create a wii menu on the home page
- Create screensaver like thing on the home page