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Release Notes

asoosprecognox edited this page Jul 10, 2024 · 47 revisions

API Changes

These are modifications since the previous release that may require changes in your calls to the binding.

1.30.0 (10 July 2024)

  • Solved compatibility issue with requests >= 2.32.0
  • record_similarity allows calls with RecordSimilarityParameters without fields and properties

1.29.0 (19 April 2024)

  • Adding support and example for /record-similarity
  • Adding line to entities example to show how to use Indoc Coref Server.
  • Branding, websites, email addresses, logos.

1.28.0 (11 January 2024)

  • Adding support for the /events endpoint (RCB-601)
  • Adding support for negation for /events (TEJ-2055)
  • Refactor parameter handling for Names endpoints. (RCB-622)
  • Dropping support for Python 3.7
  • Adding support for Python 3.12.

1.25.1 (11 May 2023)

  • Removed genre field
  • Fixed crash when trying to set debug header.
  • Allow parameter overrides for /name-similarity and /address-similarity. See the examples directory for an example.
  • Sonar updates.
  • Jenkins updates.

1.24.0 (2 February 2023)

  • Adding warning log if the genre field is present
  • Removed from __future__ import print_function

1.20.0 (12 January 2022)

  • Add set_pool_size() method


  • Support unfielded addresses and update address example for /address-similarity


  • New Address Similarity endpoint /address-similarity
  • New Address Similarity example


  • New Similar Terms endpoint /semantics/similar
  • New Similar Terms example
  • /text-embedding endpoint changed to /semantics/vector
  • /text-embedding example changed to /semantics/vector example
  • New URL in Categories example
  • Comments added to examples demonstrating how to set options


  • Multilingual language identification example
  • User Agent includes runtime version
  • No longer tested on 2.6 or 3.3


  • Fixed an open file handle


  • New Topics endpoint
  • New Topics example


  • New Endpoints, transliteration and name_deduplication
  • MorphologyOutput class, used for setting the morphology output in the call to morphology has been refactored as api.morphology_output[''], where output type is 'COMPOUND_COMPONENTS', 'HAN_READINGS', 'LEMMAS', 'PARTS_OF_SPEECH', 'COMPLETE'
  • Examples added for transliteration and name_deduplication
  • Deprecated several API methods to conform to python snake_case
  • Deprecated MorphologyOutput class, please use API.morphology_output


  • Bug fix for file + setUrlParameter


  • Api.setUrlParameter(name, value) added, NOTE: "name" can be removed by setting value = None
  • Api.getUrlParameter(name) added
  • Api.clearUrlParameters() added


  • Api.syntax_dependencies added


  • Api.text_embedding added


  • Binding reflects unification of /entities and /entities/linked endpoints; /entities returns a new response model which includes QIDs by default
  • resolve_entities parameter is not available anymore (entities method returns QIDs by default)
  • linkEntities option is available to turn off QIDs through api.setOption("linkEntities", False)


  • Added api.setOption, api.getOption and api.clearOptions to allow users to manage options as needed
  • Removed RelationshipParameters. It's only purpose was to extend DocumentParameters to accept an options parameter. With the advent of the api option methods, it is no longer needed. Use DocumentParameters and api.setOption('accuracyMode', 'RECALL|PRECISION') instead. PRECISION is the default if no options are specified.


  • (optional) genre parameter added


  • Functions translate_name() and matched_name() have been deprecated and replaced with name_translation() and name_similarity() to represent the respective RosetteAPI endpoint name changes.
  • All responses now include the response headers in the returned dict -- make sure to access or filter the desired JSON response object in your code. Related to Rosette API's new headers mentioned here.

Internal Changes

These changes should not require modifications to your bindings calls, but represent major internal changes, often correlating to Rosette API functional changes indicated here.

1.8.3 (Develop)


  • Resolved InsecureRequestWarning


  • topics endpoint
  • example code cleanup


  • Code cleanup per pep8
  • unit tests added for the new endpoints, transliteration and name_deduplication


  • added setUrlParameter logic to multipart handling


  • removed 429 loop. All non-200 codes will be reported as exceptions


  • max connections set according to Concurrency returned from Rosette API



  • Updated unit tests to test the option methods
  • Updated the relationship example to use DocumentParameters and api.setOption


  • Internal restructuring to remove obsolete code and encapsulate request operations
  • Revised unit tests to be individual per endpoint and exception


  • The unit, contentType, and contentBytes input parameters have been removed. Base64-encoded input should be sent as an input file.
  • The X-RosetteAPI-Request-Id and X-RosetteAPI-ProcessedLanguage values have been added as response headers.