Python application launcher for gstreamer RTP pipelines. Supports the Nvidia embedded Tegra products including the TK1 and TX1 SoM as well as Abaco Systems MC10K1 TK1 (Type 10) COM Express module.
- Implement portable GUI gstreamer interface
- Launcher for other Nvidia demos
- Gstreamer streaming of RAW / H.264 / H.265 Ethernet streams
- Enable Pololu servo controll of camer pan and tilt servos.
- Gstreamer streaming of RAW / H.264 / H.265 Ethernet streams
- TX1 & TK1 temperture sensing and logging
- Transmit and receive Ethernet bandwidth logging
Some additional features that are planned.
- Parametrize launcher programs (read in demos from file).
Clone the code:
$ git clone
For automated installation with the desktop shortcut run the makefile:
$ cd ./abaco-launcher
$ make install
For Uninstallation run:
$ make uninstall
$ make uninstall-apt # To remove any dependant apt-get packages
Once installed the launcher can be invoked from the desktop shortcut.
For manual installation then install the dependancies:
$ sudo apt-get install python-imaging-tk gnuplot uuid-runtime
Run the Launcher without installing:
$ cd ./opt/abaco/launcher
$ ./
Launcher running on TK1
Temperture sensing on the TK1
Built in is support for a Polulu servo controller to drive a pan and tilt head like the one shown below. The joystick application uses SDL2 to connect an XBOX360 wireless joystick (USB dongle) enabling control of the camera mount.
note: Need to add more info about how to drive this.