Assignments for academic course on designing algorithms and data structures using C++ STL.
Long task name is a hyperlink to problem description in Polish.
mar/ (Mario)
Shortest route problem on graph with edges of only two possible lengths. Thus implemented Dijkstra's algorithm on two regular queues giving the complexity of O(|E| + 2|V|)
as opposed to regular O(|E| + |V|log|V|)
Dijkstra's implementation using std::priority_queue
(Fibonacci's heap).
hak/ (Hakier)
For a list of initial ranges of natural numbers, dynamically respond to a queries of types: for range r_query
find and remove from initial list a range r_init
so that:
is a subset ofr_query
is a subset ofr_init
r_query ∩ r_init
is emptyr_query ∩ r_init
is not empty
Implemented using std::set
table for keeping info of all available ranges and two range trees to query for ranges ending respectively earliest and furthest.
par/ (Park Bitowy - Bit Park)
Query the binary tree: find id of a node that is exactly of d
distance from source node n
. Return -1 if there is no such node.
In order to get best possible complexity implemented among:
- table of logarithmic shortcuts (for each note a link to the ancestor of a distance 1, 2, 4, ...), which made possible to implement function finding LCA in logarithmic time
- finding furthest node via finding tree diameter (the longest path in tree) with BTS algorithm.
Which finally resulted in O(log n)
queries of O(n)
pre-processing, with n
being number of tree nodes.
baz/ (Bazarek - Lil Bazaar)
Fun little exercise on suffix sums with a twist: finding maximum odd sum of exactly n
elements in a list.
mat/ (Matryca - Template)
Sounding at first like complicated substring matching problem, is easily trivialised to single loop.
Un-sort list from a given algorithm. The algorithmic part turned out to be way more complicated than I expected and required using short but non-intuitive dynamic programming algorithm.
mec/ (Mecze - Games)
A haiku: (on STL and its inability to directly compare two bitsets)
there's error: no match
for operator<
should have chosen Boost
kin/ (k-inwersje - k-inversions)
Find a number of k-inversions modulo 10^9 for a given n-permutation
k \in [2, 10]
n \in [1, 20 000]
Built a table of range trees filled consecutively using dynamic programming algorithm. Again a short, but non-intuitive algorithm.
Sum and subtraction operations on ranges of natural numbers. Dynamically querying for size of set of all numbers within those ranges. Like so:
[1, 3] + [4, 7] = [1, 7] // size: 7
[1, 7] - [2, 3] = [1, 1] + [4, 7] // size: 5
Implemented using std::set
of std::pair
prj/ (Projekty - Projects)
kap/ (Kapitan - The Captain)
The two above tasks were solved through some variants of Dijkstra's algorithm.
inw/ (Graf Inwersji - Inversions)
Terrifically tangled task turns to two throughout traversals.